21 June 2024

Friday Links - 21 June

Stephen Green at Instapundit is up first with FLASHBACK: Retired WNBA Player Reveals She Was Bullied for Being Straight.

“Wiggins, a four-time All-American at Stanford, asserts she was targeted for harassment from the time she was drafted by Minnesota because she is heterosexual”

Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media - Of Course the White House Correspondents' Association Is Working With the Dems

During one of his many unfortunate off-leash appearances last week, Joe Biden bristled at a reporter's question, and slurred something about wishing that the reporters would "play by the rules a little bit."

Oh-oh, Grandpa just let out a secret.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 19 June 2024: Into The Out Of Edition

I'd sooner swallow a wasp: An AI app called Butterflies promises to destroy social media forever. (The Verge)

When you sign up, you create an AI personality called a Butterfly that can post text and pictures on your behalf, and interact with other Butterflies on the platform, so that you can log out and go for a walk while your account that has all your personal information attached discusses homeschooling with an FBIfly.

Meep At Stump - Gordon Ramsay Shows the Danger of Bicycle Riding, and Importance of Helmets. She is an actuary, after all.

So, of course, my mind went straight to cycling death stats.

The Other McCain - The Star Treatment

My wife and our youngest daughter, Reagan, returned from Argentina last night. Reagan said that after the plane landed, she removed her sweater and fixed her hair because she knew — from previous experience — that as soon as they emerged from the gate at baggage claim I would be snapping photos. “Paparazzi Dad” is nothing if not predictable.

This goes back to a Basic Journalism Trick that I learned during the earliest years of my newspaper career, working for small-town weeklies: Treat the people you cover as if they were famous celebrities.

Adaptive Curmudgeon - The Covid Thunderstorm

Eventually, the radio and Mrs. Curmudgeon’s phone quit sending us warnings of imminent doom. Not a drop of rain had fallen. Nobody apologized for their spastic false positive. (Nobody ever does.)

It feels like everything I hear from every source is hyperventilating all the time. I theorize the goal is to have us spastic and panicked. It’s bad for us to hear that crap.

Even in New York Self Defense Works

Whether it is legal is an open question. Unless you're in NYC, and then it probably is not legal. New Details: Homeowner Shoots, Kills Violent Intruder At Capital Region Residence, Police Say

The Saratoga County incident happened at around 11:30 a.m. Friday, June 14, in Malta at the Northway Estates mobile home park on Route 9.

Sheriff’s deputies said someone called 911 reporting a shooting inside one of the units. When deputies arrived, they found a man dead from a gunshot wound. Nobody else was injured.

Malta, NY is about 20 miles north of Albany, or about a 40 minute drive north of the capital.

In an update Monday, June 17, investigators said the deceased man forced his way into a stranger’s home and attacked a resident. He then chased the resident into a bedroom where other occupants had hidden.

One of the residents armed himself with a shotgun and fired two shots, killing the suspect.

Self Defense is a human right, and at least in some parts of the state it might be legal in New York.

The Weaponization of the DOJ Continues Under Biden

From Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit: The Department of Justice Is Targeting The Gateway Pundit in Their Hopes to Ruin Us- Secretly Injected Itself in Chapter 11 Case - Why?

Why? Because they can, because there are no long checks and balances, and they HATE conservatives.

The parent company of this website, The Gateway Pundit, made this decision as a result of the numerous progressive liberal lawfare attacks against this media outlet.

This was not an admission of fault or culpability. This is a common tool for reorganization and consolidating litigation when attacks are coming from all sides.

But that might mean that they could survive Chapter 11, and the Department of (In)Justice can't stand the thought of that.

We knew this was going to be a difficult process for our company, but we had no idea what the Biden DOJ had prepared for us.

Today, we can confirm that the Joe Biden and Merrick Garland Department of Justice have intervened in our Chapter 11 case.

According to our source, the Department of Justice spoke to the trustee assigned to our case and is pressuring this man to make sure our Chapter 11 efforts fail.

I miss living in a free country.

Neither a Borrower Nor a Lender Be

Though I doubt that Shakespeare had this kind of thing in mind. 25 years for Old Town man who murdered friend over money dispute - CWB Chicago

He said his "friend" owed him money. A short time later he shot and killed his friend. (With friends like this, who needs enemies?)

CHICAGO — An Old Town man who murdered his friend during a money dispute, then dragged the dying man’s body through their apartment building has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. Judge Jennifer Coleman ordered Rotonio Esco to serve 100% of his sentence, making him eligible for release in June 2045.

This might come close to actual justice. When I first saw this article I thought that 12 years was not enough for cold blooded, premeditated murder. In Illinois it is common for convicted felons to serve about half of their sentence before being released for "good behavior" or some such thing.

It is also interesting because the judge ordered the defendent to be held without bail, which is unusual in Illinois. During his pursuit he dropped, and police recovered, a pistol, his ID, and his phone. He had blood on his pants, and $1200 of $100 bills, also splashed with blood.

I don't really hold out hope that the recent "reforms" done to the Criminal Justice System in places like Chicago and Illinois in general, will be undone any time soon. Nothing will change until complete chaos ensues. That seems to be what the powers that be want.

Crazy Is As Crazy Does

Or maybe it was just the drugs. ‘We Need to Do More for Mental Health,’ Says Woman Who Lived With Convict Whose Face Was Covered in Tattoos

Say hello to Lemar Brandon Qualls and, while you’re at it, go ahead and say good-bye, because the late Mr. Qualls got thoroughly ventilated by Indianapolis police last month. The photo above was taken in January 2023 by prison officials in Michigan, about two months before Mr. Qualls was released after serving more than six years on a methamphetamine charge.

If you point a gun at police you are sure to be shot.

The Other McCain has the details on the guy, his criminal past, the breaks he got from the judicial system, etc.

But one of his later paragraphs caught my attention.

Frankly, ma’am, I’m concerned about your mental health. Because where I come from, cohabiting with a convicted felon fresh out of prison . . . Well, some people might call that crazy. And how many times does your, uh, “friend” have to get arrested for domestic violence before you decide maybe he’s a bad person? Don’t even get me started on the face tattoo thing...

Anyway, go read the whole thing. The comments are entertaining as well.

20 June 2024

Don't Bring a Screwdriver to a Gunfight

You would think that the bad guys would realize this. Sherman homeowner shoots suspected burglar

I'm guessing his day did not turn out the way he planned. First he got shot, and then he was arrested.

A homeowner shot a suspected burglar in Sherman Monday afternoon, leading to the arrest of the person who was shot.

Sherman, Texas is about a 65 mile drive north of Dallas.

It seems the guy charged the homeowner while armed with a screwdriver.

“Allegedly, the other individual who has been detained was caught breaking into the homeowner’s shed behind his home, when the homeowner confronted him, the suspect allegedly charged him with a screwdriver and the homeowner is claiming self-defense with the discharge of the firearm,” said [Lieutenant Sam Boyle with the Sherman Police Department].

Burglar tools were found at the scene, so that's an extra charge. The homeowner was not charged because Texas has not morphed into a copy of NYC, legally speaking, though the investigation continues.

Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0.

Another FGC-9 from Brazil, and More

Impro Guns brings us FGC-9 + D.R.U.M

An FGC-9 mk2 seized by [Brazilian] police alongside the D.R.U.M, a 3D printable 9mm drum magazine.

Click thru for the photo. The photo below is of an unrelated FGC-9, mark 2.

FGC-9 stands for "F*ck Gun Control, 9mm."

Sweden Deteriorating

From The Other McCain we get The Warning From Sweden

Sweden has a population of about 10.5 million, or about the same as the state of North Carolina. Twenty years ago, you had to seek out “far right” sources (which, of course, I did) to learn anything about the problems caused by immigration in Sweden. Many of the atrocity tales came from the city of Malmö which, for some reason, was a magnet for Third World immigration and Malmö became notorious as a “no-go zone” ruled by violent foreign gangs. After the surge of migrants circa 2015, however, a taboo topic that was once relegated to obscure right-wing blogs has recently become the subject of mainstream journalism.

And gun violence has risen in Sweden to alarming levels.

In terms of gun violence, Sweden has become the Chicago of Europe, so to speak: “Twenty years ago, crimes involving firearms were almost non-existent [in Sweden]. Yet in 2022 the gun murder rate in capital Stockholm was around 25 times higher than in London.”

Gun crime is not the only sort. Bombings are quite common in part of Sweden.

Click thru for more. Crime statistics. Immigration statistics. Analysis.

This is not news to me. Here are some of my old posts on Sweden:

There are more, but the further back you go, the more likely you are to encounter dead links.

19 June 2024

Wednesday Link Roundup - 19 June

Pirate's Cove starts us off with Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  1. The Right Scoop covers Iran installing advanced centrifuges
  2. This ain’t Hell…. has stupid people of the week

Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Afternoon Edition)

CDR Salamander: While We Quibble & Fool, The PRC Builds
Dana Loesch: Last Week In Legal – Cargill Victory Edition

EBL - Washington Post Newsroom Mutiny 🤣

Breitbart: Mutiny at Washington Post
Axios: WaPo reporters probe their own boss!
This sounds like fun. I wonder how Bezos will respond

Political Hat - News of the Week (June 16th, 2024)

Colorado GOP calls for burning of Pride flags
Colorado’s Republican Party this week called for LGBTQ Pride flags to be burned, describing LGBTQ Americans as “godless groomers”

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 15 June 2024: Never Say Anything Edition

In its ongoing drive to earn public trust OpenAI has appointed the former director of the NSA to its board. (CNBC) (archive site)
Yep, that's gonna work.

Tam at View from the Porch - Tab Clearing...

Looking at your old photos.
The Great Deterioration of Local Community Was A Major Driver of The Loss of The Play-Based Childhood

Wombat-socho again - In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Evening Edition)

Stoic Observations: Fight The Youth
Postcards From Barsoom: If You Want To Afford A Home, They Have To Go Home

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - Tuesday's Gone

Stop it, I already support him! From NotTheBee, Report: Trump is thinking about eliminating income tax and replacing it with tariffs. That's not something easily done.

Small Dead Animals - Monday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America: Old Joe freezes up again. Biden’s terror ambassador.
Today In Islam: Interfaith dialogue in Britain. An Islamophobia professor in California.

Vlad Tepes - Kansas first of FIVE states to sue Pfizer for lying to the public about vaxx danger – full press conference: Links 1 for June 18, 2024

1. The State of Kansas is taking Pfizer to Court over misleading information on the Vaxx causing injury and death. This story is now widely reported other than in totally captured media.

Don Surber - Highlights of the Week

ITEM 18: John Fetterman drove his car into another car while speeding on Interstate 70. Police did not ticket the senator, who said, “I need to do better and do it slower.”
But enough about his sex life, what did he say about the car crash?

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 6/18/2024

Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) President Stacy Davis Gates told a news radio host that conservatives do not want Black children to read, adding that it is “part of the oath they take to be right wing.”

Bacon Time!!!! - Sunday Linkage

The Air Vent - Compelling Argument For Libertarians Against the Bill of Rights
Watts Up With That? - No, ScienceNews, Your “Ocean’s Record-Breaking Hot Streak” Claims Are False

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

Liz Wolfe isn’t impressed with the officiousness of the U.S. Surgeon General.
Timothy Taylor summarizes some important facts about U.S. government indebtedness.

Maggie's Farm - Saturday morning links

America’s Loneliest Workers, According to Research
What City Kids Learn on My Farm - ‘Hens don’t lay on demand. Tomatoes aren’t ripe in June. And animals don’t care about your feelings.’

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 6//18/24

We are at risk of becoming a failed state, open to terrorism, sabotage, and other acts against us.
Biden’s Border Crisis Comes Home to Roost

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: Democrat War-Mongers Want 18-Year-Old Women to Register for Draft

• Guy Who Organizes Ballot Counting Says Election Results Will Not Match Polling - CTH
• Sunday Talks – House Intel Chairman Mike Turner Explains How He and IC Will Control Speaker and MAGA - CTH

I leave you with Sunday Funnies For 06-16-24 from Stately McDaniel Manor, Meme Dump... from View From The Porch, Sunday Funnies from Flopping Aces, and Your 'Typical Mondays' gifs from Wirecutter.

Texans Are Still Armed

He thought it was a good idea to flee an accident, and then try to break into a home to hide from police. Longview man shot by homeowner after allegedly fleeing crash, trespassing in house

He forgot that the police are not the only thing bad guys need to worry about in Texas.

Longview, Texas is about 35 miles west of the Louisiana state line, and about 130 miles by car east of Dallas.

A hit and run crash was reported to police around 12:38 a.m.

When police arrived, they said they found one person trapped in an SUV. The driver of the other vehicle had fled the scene on foot, according to witnesses.

That guy on foot tried to enter a home, but ran off when confronted by an armed homeowner.

You would think that at this point he would get the message about armed homeowners, but you'd be wrong.

Several minutes later, someone from the 3600 block of Clemens Road reported a person had entered their home and been shot by the resident. The first officers on scene immediately attempted life-saving measures on the injured man, later identified as Johan Nino, 23, of Longview, the release said. He was then taken to a hospital by Longview Fire EMS, but died from his injuries.

Those apparently were not the only 2 homes he tried to break into.

No criminal charges have been filed, because self defense is your legal right in Texas. It is also a human right.

Do You Own Stuff Worth Risking Your Life Over?

Do you own any piece of property that is worth getting shot, injured, or killed over? Everyone has to answer that question for themselves. For me that answer is no.

This is a story about a guy who was upset his truck had been broken into. My vehicle is 14 years old, and insured. I don't keep valuable stuff in the SUV - a couple of quarts of oil, gloves, a first aid kit, a couple of pairs of reading glasses (cheaters). Add it all together and the stuff inside the vehicle probably doesn't come to $200. I do have my old glasses in there as a backup, but that prescription is really only good for emergencies.

But in the end, if stuff gets damaged or stolen, that is why I have insurance.

Active Self Protection considers such an incident: Danger Awaits Homeowner Who Confronts Car Thief.

I think protecting your car from being stolen in your driveway is a moral good, but you'd better recognize it can be very dangerous.

A guy was alerted to activity in his driveway by his security cameras, and he went out to confront a guy who had broken into his truck. The video shows the outcome.

Is it your right to go outside and defend your property? It absolutely IS your right to go outside and do that, but I want you to pay good attention to the risks that this guy took. ...

Also recognize the risks here. You could get in a gunfight with this guy. How many guys are out there, and what are their capabilities, and what are they willing to do? You don't know, and I don't know.

So are you willing to have a potential gunfight against an unknown number of attackers, of unknown provenance, and unknown skill, for what amounts to $1000, or $2000, maybe. [Your insurance deductible] I don't think that's a smart choice, but you gotta set your own markers for that.

The video includes security video from the homeowner, and runs for about 7½ minutes. There are a number of questionable moves this guy made. In the end the homeowner received minor injuries, and his truck was damaged, so he is going to pay that $1000, or whatever, deductible anyway. And he risked his life. More than once. Despite the video, and the photos from his phone, cops haven't caught these guys. Was it worth it?

Here is a news story on the incident. Caught on Camera: Puyallup man takes wild ride on hood of car after thieves try to run him over

In a video almost too wild to believe, Smith feels lucky to be alive after he was confronted by a pair of accused car prowlers who tried to run him over.

So even the homeowner recognizes that it might not have been the smartest move.

Sleep On It

Eivør (Eivør Pálsdóttir) is a singer I really like. She is from the Faroe Islands, a grouping of islands in the Atlantic about halfway between Norway and Iceland.

Eivør usually sings in Faroese, the native language of that island group, but I know that makes heads explode, and she knows it too, because a lot of her songs are in English, as today's song is in English.

This is "Sleep On It" by Eivør from her 2020 album Segl.

18 June 2024

Tuesday Links - 18 June

The Other McCain is up first with Crime Wave in Monkey Junction

They have thrown the proverbial book at him this time, and there is reason to expect that Treyquan Tilghman will spend a few years in prison before getting another chance to continue his felonious ways.

Tam at View From The Porch - "You're not here for the hunting, are you?" On a 19-year-old importing Glock machinegun conversion kits.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess homie wasn't a MENSA member.

Again from The Other McCain - ‘I’m Saying He’s Whacked Out’

Look, I’m not saying that every guy with face tattoos is a homicidal maniac, but the overlap on the Venn diagram between Set A (guys with face tattoos) and Set B (guys who want to “just kill, kill, kill”) is perhaps large enough to be statistically significant. By the way, that quote in the headline? It’s from Wade Wilson’s defense lawyer.

Ed Driscoll at Instapundit - BIDEN’S BRIDGE TO NOWHERE: Gaza Pier Gets Moved, But Will Anyone Use It Ever Again?

Morgan Murphy wrote in the Dailly Caller at the end of last month that the pier has a definite “Welcome Back, Carter!” feel to it: Joe Biden’s Gaza Pier Washed Away — Along With $320 Million In Taxpayer Dollars

Gun Free Zone - Make it difficult to follow you

Never go straight home from the bank, casino, jewelry store, or any other place that would suggest you have large sums of cash or valuables on you.

The Other McCain again - Aspiring Rapper Update

Has it really been five months since we last did one of these? Please excuse my negligence and, since it’s been a while, permit me to remind you of the categorical definition:

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 16 June 2024: Voyaging Edition

Voyager 1 is communicating again. (The Register)

The probe launched in 1977 and completed its primary mission - flybys of Jupiter and Saturn - in 1980, and since then it has been travelling deeper into space just chilling (literally) and enjoying the view.

Meep at Stump - Bad Metrics Lead to Bad Results

Whatever you call it: Campbell’s Law (no relation), Goodhart’s Law, or the cobra effect — when you use measures that are merely cheap stand-ins for a much more difficult result you want to get at, people will start gaming that measure. And you will often get a result you really don’t like.

Wombat-socho - FMJRA 2.0: No Surrender

Top linkers for the week ending June 14:

  1.  EBL (12)
  2.  357 Magnum (11)
  3.  A View From The Beach (10)

Self Defense In Denver

You can never be sure it will be tolerated in Blue Cities. Alleged home intruder shot, killed in Commerce City

OK, so Commerce City is only a suburb of Denver, not Denver itself. It is only about 5 miles downtown Denver. (Denver is in a different county.)

Officers were called to a home in the 5300 block of E. 64th Avenue sometime overnight Saturday and found a man dead inside the house.

The homeowner told police he shot the man after he was attacked during a home invasion.

Since the owner was injured (not seriously injured) by the guy he shot, it will be difficult for the most-extreme, gun-hating DA to charge this guy with anything. That doesn't mean it won't happen, it just means that it will be difficult.

In any event, self defense is a human right.

"Just Give Them What They Want" Is a Lie

The gun-hating Left loves to say that if you just give bad guys what they want, you will be safe. Too bad the bad guys haven't gotten memo detailing that deal. Uber driver is shot during carjacking on West Side; 3 people shot during robberies since Thursday - CWB Chicago

The 49-year-old was arriving to pick up a passenger in the 200 block of North Latrobe when the hijacker slid into the back seat of his Toyota Camry around 9:01 p.m., according to a CPD media statement. Police said the carjacker ordered the driver out of the car, and even though the victim complied with his commands, the offender shot him in the knee.

Violent criminals don't stop being violent criminals because of anything you are, or are not, doing.

So aside from pure sadism, what was the reason that this bad guy shot this victim in the knee?

There are also a few scenarios in which the Left doesn't like to discuss, "Just give them what they want." One of them is a woman dealing with a rapist.

Cooperation with criminals is not a guarantee of safety, it is a strategy for dealing with a violent encounter. Having a gun in this instance probably would not have changed the outcome much, and Uber drivers are disarmed as a matter of company policy. It is for "their own good" that they are known to be defenseless victims. Or something.

Being armed in your own defense is also not a guarantee of safety. It is also only a strategy. There are no guarantees in this life.

When it comes to Chicago, and other places like that, I have adopted a different strategy. Don't be there. In several cities, including in Chicago, the Democrats in charge of the City and the Criminal Justice system are doing everything humanly possible to destroy law and order. "The only winning move is not to play." In this case that means not being in the city.

Nature Doesn't Care About Your Feelings

And before you go into the wilderness, you should know what you are doing. Woman airlifted to hospital after dehydrated couple stranded in desert without water

They went for a hike in the desert without enough water.

On June 9 authorities dispatched a helicopter crew to assist the couple as the scorching heat passed the triple-digit mark. Authorities went to an area known as Painted Canyon where they found the couple huddled together in a dry creek bed, according to officials.

After reaching the edge of the wilderness zone, he was taken to a local hospital by ambulance, while she was take by helicopter to a trauma center due to "extreme dehydration."

The deserts of Southern California are among the hottest areas in the state. On June 9, weather stations near the Painted Canyon area saw highs ranging from 100 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 to 40.6 Celsius), according to the National Weather Service. “Please remember as the temps increase, take more water than you think you will need, have a hiking plan, and tell two people where you are going,” the Sheriff’s Department said.

Do you know how much water you need for a day in the desert? If you start your answer with, "I think," or, "I'm pretty sure," then what you are really saying is, "No!" Find out from several reputable sources before you put your life in danger. Do you have a way to call for help if you get beyond cellphone range before you get into trouble? There are several options. They start at less than $200. What? You don't want to spend $200 to save your own life?

Texas Juneteenth Shooting Suspect

This does not support the narrative. Deadly Texas Juneteenth mass shooting suspect description released by police

Two people were killed, and 14 others were wounded at about 10:50 p.m. Saturday in Round Rock, police said. A search is on for a man described as a Black male with a thin build, approximately 5 feet, 7 inches tall with short dreadlocks. He was wearing a white hoodie at the time of the incident.

"Two groups" were fighting with each other when the shooting started. Was the existence of gangs, and their involvement in violent crime deemed politically incorrect when I wasn't looking? Maybe the groups were of chess players from competing schools, or rival chruch choirs, or ...

The Other McCain gets the Hat Tip with Two Innocent Bystanders Killed in Shooting at Texas ‘Juneteenth’ Celebration

Everybody knows Texas is controlled by Republicans. Probably some of those “far right” extremists committed this atrocity, right? The shooter was a racist Trump voter wearing a MAGA hat, right?

17 June 2024

Bittersweet Memories

Akoma is a band I found by mistake. There is a new album Akoma by a different artist, that was mentioned on the website Pitchfork. But when I searched, I found the band, not the new album. (We may get to that album eventually, it is challenging even for my eclectic taste in music.)

Akoma, the band is a Symphonic Metal band out of Silkeborg, Midtjylland, Denmark. Don't worry they sing in English, though you still might not understand them. I haven't heard too much of their work, but I do like the quality of Tanya Bell's voice.

I can actually find very little about this band, so I don't think that they have had too much success. Which is too bad, because the few songs I've heard are not bad.

Here is a link to the lyrics. You might want them.

This is "Bittersweet Memories" by Akoma from their 2012 album The Other Side.

Father's Day Weekend in Chicago

HeyJackass! as usual has the stats. Father's Day Weekend

Way back in 2020, Father’s Day weekend ended up being the absolute shitshows of shitshows making it the highest tally we’ve ever recorded for a standard weekend. It bested any July 4th run and even some Februarys. With that mostly peaceful, often violent, non-demonizable stat out of the way, Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there.

Final tally was 12 killed, 63 shot and wounded. As bad as that it is, and it is bad even by Chicago standards, it doesn't come close to that 2020 shitshow.

Click thru for more years statistics, and the details of the weekend.

Self Defense Might Be Legal in California After All

I've ignored this story for a couple of days because it just made me mad. Oakland homeowner who fatally shot burglar to be released from jail

A 77-year-old homeowner shot and killed someone clearly trying to break into his home. He exercised his right to remain silent, so the cops arrested him. Because only criminals rely on their constitutional rights. Or something.

Those sources have not said when the 77-year-old homeowner, who has not been named, will be released from custody. The district attorney's office has 48 hours to determine whether to file charges. If no charges are filed, the jailed person is released from custody.

The DA can still charge him if he can drum up some reasons.

On Monday, just before 6 p.m. at 98th Avenue and Burr Street in East Oakland, two men and a woman pulled up to a residence in the area in a stolen Infiniti Q40.

A witness told police the three went onto the property and one of the men had a crowbar. The witness then heard a gunshot.

While I agree with not saying anything, the reality is that cops don't like that.

Massad Ayoob, has 2 videos that address this.

  1. Don't Talk to the Police? Massad Ayoob's 5 Points after a Self-Defense Shooting. Critical Mas Ep14
  2. Massad Ayoob Explains Making A Brief Statement After A Self-Defense Shooting. Critical Mas Ep77

They basically say to make a brief statement about what happened, point out evidence, and then shut up, and say you are going to contact your lawyer.

Illegal Alien, In this Country to Escape Murder Prosecution, Commits Murder

First the details of the crime. Rachel Morin murder: Maryland police tie crime scene DNA to Los Angeles assault, home invasion

Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five, was jogging on the Ma & Pa Trail in Bel Air around 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 5., when she vanished. She was found dead the next afternoon in what authorities have described as a "criminal homicide."

That is in northern Maryland, near the Pennsylvania state line.

The DNA from the murder was linked to a previous assault.

"This DNA has come back as a match tied to a home invasion and assault of a young girl in Los Angeles this past March. [2023] Unfortunately, that suspect hasn't been positively identified, but he did leave behind his DNA," Chief Deputy Col. William Davis said during the Friday press conference.

An arrest was finally made. Rachel Morin murder: Illegal immigrant from El Salvador charged in rape, killing of Maryland mom of 5

"Five hours after meeting with [Morin's] family and just before midnight our time, police in Tulsa, Oklahoma assisted by our federal partners, located and arrested Rachel's murderer: Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez," Gahler said.

He was charged with first-degree murder and first-degree rape.

He came to this country illegally, in February of 2023, and in March of 2023 assaulted a 9-year-old girl. In August of that year he killed Rachel Morin. Police believe he escaped El Salvador after committing a brutal murder of a young woman in that country.

"We are 1800 miles of the southern border," Gahler said. "And American citizens are not safe because of their failed immigration policies."

"This is the second time in two years that an innocent Harford County woman has lost her life to a criminal in our country illegally," he said, repeating his statement. "In both cases, they are suspects from El Salvador with ties to criminal gangs. This should not be happening."

The hat tip goes to The Other McCain, and Maryland Sheriff Blasts Biden: ‘We Are 1,800 Miles Away from the Southern Border Here in Harford County and the American Citizens Are Not Safe Because of Failed Immigration Policies’

Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five, was found murdered in August 2023 on a hiking on a trail near Bel Air, Maryland. That’s north of Baltimore, up near the Pennsylvania border, in Harford County, a Republican bastion that hasn’t voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1964. On Saturday, the county’s Republican sheriff, Jeffrey Gahler, held a press conference at which he announced that the suspect in the case — linked by DNA evidence — had finally been arrested. And buddy let me tell you, Sheriff Gahler unloaded.

Lies, Damn Lies, and FBI Crime Statistics

And of course the media aids and abets the lies. Second City Cop: Media Lies Again (Still)

What is the lie? Crime is down.

Why is it a lie? Only 13,719 of the roughly 19,000 law enforcement agencies report stats to the FBI. And it isn't the rural counties that don't report.

So they're telling you only 72% of the story, seeing as how 28% of the law enforcement agencies didn't send in their crime numbers. And among those agencies that didn't send in crime numbers?

  • New York
  • Los Angeles
  • Chicago

The three biggest blue city shitholes who have crime numbers that dwarf those of entire states.

But crime is down. Except if you count those 3 cities.

And why is the media in on the lie?

After all, there's an election to win for president sheet-my-pants, and you can't have the electorate believing all those crime stories about blue state shitholes being overrun by illegal alien crime along with the usual suspects.

The Left Hates Everyone Who Disagrees With Them

You can be far Left like J.K. Rowling, but put one toe out of line, like J.K. Rowling, and you are less than human in their eyes. At least that is according to the Cancel Pigs. From The Other McCain we get the following. Typical Wisconsin Democrat Gets Arrested Twice, Charged With Five Felonies

To be fair, The Other McCain's post covers more ground, but I am interested in the following paragraph.

Clayton/“Sofie” posted that meme to his/“her” Instagram account with the hashtag #punchwhitewomen, a perfect summary of the typical Wisconsin Democrat mentality: Whoever you are and whatever your problems may be, you can feel better about yourself by demonstrating how much you hate Donald Trump, because hating Donald Trump is the only “virtue” that matters, if you’re a Wisconsin Democrat.

There is more.

16 June 2024

Self Defense in Nevada

I'm a bit shocked that the determination was so quick. Police: Fatal shooting in Henderson parking lot was likely done in self-defense. The incident took place on Wednesday, June 12th.

Henderson is a suburb of Las Vegas. I have no idea what the DA in that city/county is like.

Investigators in Henderson believe a fatal shooting in a Walmart parking lot on Wednesday was possibly done in self-defense.

A guy approached a vehicle with a gun in his hand. The guy in the vehicle defended himself. After the soon-to-be-dead-guy was shot, he fired several rounds at the vehicle.

Police are not giving away too many details, but if I was to guess, I would guess that these two guys knew one another. It is only a guess. It could have been an attempted carjacking.

What isn't a guess is that self defense is a human right.

Company Had Arbitration Agreement Because They Didn't Want to Go to Court

But they don't like the arbitration outcome, and now they want to go to court. Arbitration award of $5.4 million challenged by employer of Garden Ridge store clerk murdered in 2020 | KENS 5

Can't have it both ways.

“They’re seeking to relitigate in the court system, something they didn’t want to do in the first place. We are seeking to enforce the final award that was issued to the Smotherman family,” said attorney Cody Dishon. “This is the only way to get companies to change their policies and procedures and make sure when you do have those policies and procedures on paper that they’re actually followed and implemented for the safety of other workers.”

The arbitrator found that the company was responsible, because of security problems in the store.

GPM Investments paid the Smotherman's mother a little more than $100,000 in death and burial benefits.

There is also legislation to make companies do better at providing security for workers. Though I think hold their feet to the fire, in the form of making them pay, will be more effective.

15 June 2024

Tell Us How You Really Feel

Episode 3 of Disney Star Wars The Acolyte is out, and it is universally hated. Here are some reactions/reviews.

First up is Nerdrotic, or Gary B. His video is The Acolyte is AWFUL | This is How Star Wars DIES, With Thunderous CRINGE.

We were warned this episode would break Star Wars. ... What we weren't warned about is this is the WORST single episode of anything Disney Star Wars, ever, including Boba Fett and Ahsoka.

And it's the perfect representation of the meme, "Our expectations were low, but Holy [bleep]."

The video is 12 minutes of sarcasm and ridicule.

Then there is Critical Drinker. He takes a more measured approach, but there is still ridicule. The Acolyte Episode 3 - I'm Done And So Is Star Wars

Episode 3 of The Acolyte, was without a doubt, one of the most devastatingly embarrassing spectacles I think I've ever witnessed on TV. 40 solid minutes of relentless, unadulterated, unapologetic, unaware cringe, distilled down to its purist and most toxic form. A show made by people who seem to despise, not just Star Wars, but the very concept of filmmaking and storytelling in general. It's quite literally anti-entertainment made by anti-geniuses.

This video is 9 and a half minutes.

One other video of note is Az at HeelVsBabyface with Disney Star Wars: Everyone HATES The Acolyte Episode 3!!

No matter how many times Bob Iger stresses that they are removing the politics and, just dealing with entertainment, they are clearly not. They'll go down with this ship.

The video is 8 and a half minutes of schadenfreude at the utter failure of Star Wars: The Acolyte.

Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups - 15 June

Animal Magnetism starts things off with Animal’s Hump Day News

Trump VP Tim Scott? Well, he wouldn’t be my first choice, but my first choice doesn’t seem to be interested.
This is an unalloyed Good Thing.

The Right Way - Top of the News

Fearful House Dems Initiate a “Stop Project 2025” Task Force - IOTW Report
The Biden administration and Israel - The New Neo

Tam at View from the Porch - Tab Clearing...

I was assured this kind of racist crap only happened in the past.
The Atlantic seems to be worried that cancellation is losing its clout.

Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 06.12.24 (Afternoon Edition)

CDR Salamander: Less Pilot Training But TTPs
Dana Loesch: The Hunter Verdict Is IN, Last Week In Legal – Everything Everywhere

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 13 June 2024: Disemdelawarisationism Edition

Intel is trucking a 916,000 pound refrigeration unit across Ohio at an average speed of a little under one mile per hour. (Tom's Hardware)
If you live nearby you might want to schedule a day off while traffic clears.

Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 06.12.24 (Evening Edition)

American Thinker: Combatting Our Homegrown Enemy, also, Combatting the ‘Long Count’
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Europe Trending News

EBL - Dementia Joe Biden

Anyone who denies this is extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing to watch at this point isn't being honest.
AoSHQ: Morning Report 06.13.24 and Biden Humilates Himself at G7 Confrence

Small Dead Animals - Thursday On Turtle Island

Decolonizing knowledge in Canada. Communist Party agent upset at being called a Communist Party agent.
Woke World: Garden Nazis. Mark Steyn bites back.

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - House Holds Garland in Contempt, Nancy Accepts Blame for J6

Ace, John Solomon: The FBI Has Imposed a Political Test for Security Clearances -- Supporting Donald Trump or Questioning the Covid Vaccines Makes You a Threat to the National Security of the United States

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 6/13/2024

A U.S. Navy submarine has arrived in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in a show of force as a fleet of Russian warships gather for planned military exercises in the Caribbean, Associated Press reported.

Wombat-socho again - In The Mailbox: 06.13.24

This Ain’t Hell: The irony of lithium, also, Congressional stolen valor?
Victory Girls: Left-Feminist Professor Tells Half a Story
Volokh Conspiracy: Justice Thomas Takes Aim at Associational Standing

Flopping Aces - The Week in Radical Leftism, 06/14/2024

6/7 – Apparently, The People Of St. George Are Guilty Of “White Fortressing”
6/8 – Big Government’s War on Backyard Farms & Personal Sovereignty

Vlad Tepes - Islamic State terrorists busted in the US and Germany, Hunting Jewish people on the subway, Babylon Bee gambles on joke of logical extreme: Links post 1 for June 12, 2024

5. There is a clear trend in trials, hearings and other legal and semi legal proceedings in Canada away from any kind of attempt to find the truth and instead, steer the longest and most awkward course towards a predetermined political outcome possible.

Once again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 06.14.24

Da Tech Guy: Hamas, Israel and Arabs And Dirty Little Secrets
Don Surber: Flag Day 2024
First Street Journal: Jonathan Zimmerman, get your head out of the clouds!

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

Mike Munger explains “government failure in one lesson ...
Richard Epstein warns of greater politicization of U.S. military academies.

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 6//13/24

Daniel Greenfield: "Supporting Hamas isn’t a crime in D.C., but being a Republican is."
The Only Crimes Are Political Now

Maggie's Farm - Wednesday morning links

Climate Science is About to Make a Huge Mistake
Despite climate-change hysterics, weather disasters have decreased

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: 1984 in 2024: Orwell Was Right

• No One Is Coming to Save You - @ReadContra
• Why Trump Personifies the Courage of Our Founding Fathers - Douglas MacKinnon

I leave you with Wednesday's gifs from Wirecutter, Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark #1818 from 90 Miles from Tyranny, and You have been warned from Bluebird of Bitterness.

Self Defense May Be Legal in Kentucky

Also, road rage isn't worth it. And in this case it seems particularly insane. Kentucky State Police investigators believe fatal Saturday shooting on I-71 was self-defense. As for Kentucky, I thought self defense would be legal.

Kentucky State Police received a request to assist on a road rage incident just after 7 p.m. on June 8, according to a news release from state police. During the initial investigation, it was determined that two cars driving on I-71 got off at exit 43, KY 389. At that time, police said one of the drivers was on the phone with Carroll County dispatch, reporting that the other driver was "displaying a firearm."

Carroll County, Kentucky is about halfway between Cincinnati, and Louisville. I-71 is a fairly heavily-traveled interstate.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey Convictions Expunged

This is a significant turn of events, that has taken too long to move through the courts. Armed St. Louis Couple, that MSM Tried But FAILED To Cancel, ...Convictions Expunged. Demand Guns Back

The McCloskeys, both attorneys, gained national attention in June 2020 when they were photographed and filmed brandishing an AR-15 rifle and a semi-automatic pistol as protesters marched past their home. The protestors were headed to demonstrate in front of St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson’s house, but they entered the private street where the McCloskeys live. The couple argued they felt threatened and were protecting their property from what they described as an “angry mob.

They are apparently fighting against a Soros-backed DA in St. Louis. (Hat tip to Jews Can Shoot.)

Dark Necessities

I will always associate Red Hot Chili Peppers with the 1991 album Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik. They did have other successful albums, but I only heard them when they showed up on the radio.

In 2016 I must still have been listening to the radio, at least in the car, because I remember hearing this song quite a bit. It charted fairly high, and was critically acclaimed, so I'm sure it was on the radio.

This song is "Dark Necessities" by Red Hot Chili Peppers from their 2016 album The Getaway. It was the first single released about a month ahead of the albums release.

SCOTUS Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban

I'm a bit surprised by this. Supreme Court strikes down federal ban on bump stocks | Fox News

In a 6-3 decision, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote, "Congress has long restricted access to "'machinegun[s],'" a category of firearms defined by the ability to "shoot, automatically more than one shot ... by a single function of the trigger."

"Semiautomatic firearms, which require shooters to reengage the trigger for every shot, are not machineguns. This case asks whether a bump stock — an accessory for a semi-automatic rifle that allows the shooter to rapidly reengage the trigger (and therefore achieve a high rate of fire) — converts the rifle into a 'machinegun.' We hold that it does not," he wrote.

This seems to be mostly a slap down of the ATF, but I'm not a lawyer.

Hat tip goes to Jews Can Shoot.

14 June 2024

Friday Links - 14 June

The Other McCain starts us off with GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! This verdict actually surprised me.

This is incredible. I never thought it was possible. If you’re a Biden and you can’t beat the rap in Delaware? Man . . .

Clayton Cramer - Easy Fix. On the civilian deaths in the IDF rescue of hostages.

Gee, do you suppose if Hamas had not taken and held hostages this could have been avoided?

Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog - Adobe Just Wants Unlimited Use Of Everything You Create

Adobe has just changed the terms for subscription applications like Photoshop. Nothing big, just a demand of unlimited use of everything you ever create, forever. Oh, and you’re locked out of your existing work until you agree.

Stephen Green (The Vodka Pundit) at PJ Media - Old Man Yells at Gun Owners in Latest Biden Brain-Freeze

Hot on the heels of Hunter Biden's convictions for three felony gun charges, Presidentish Joe Biden again took the stage at a Moms Demand Action/Everytown for Gun Safety event to threaten law-abiding gun owners with F-15 Eagle airstrikes.

Chicago Contrarian - Ordinary Chicago Residents Need to Learn How to Complain

Chicagoans need to think locally, act locally, and complain locally. And Chicagoans need to stop living like a conquered and subdued people.

The Other McCain again - The Devil Wears Pinstripes

The idea that Satan has a rooting interest in baseball games has been the subject of some speculative fiction over the years, and Baltimore Orioles fans can be forgiven for suspecting that the New York Yankees are beneficiaries of infernal influence.

Meep at Stump - Geeking Out: Querying the Multiple Cause of Death Database in CDC WONDER

Recently, somebody asked me a question about querying CDC WONDER on the Multiple Causes of Death.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 12 June 2024: Retromingent Jaguars Edition

Brazil's government is turning to OpenAI to combat skyrocketing court costs. (Reuters)
What could possibly go wrong?

Journalists in California Morning the Death of Bad Guys

They don't seem to recognize that if he had stayed home, he would still be alive. Witnesses say home robbery gone wrong led to another deadly shooting in Oakland

The gunshots were reported just before 6 p.m. Witnesses said it appeared to be a home robbery gone wrong. Witnesses we spoke with said the victim homeowner apparently shot and killed the robbery suspect.

As far as I am concerned, a "home robbery gone wrong" would be one in which the homeowner was killed by the felons breaking into his home.

At least they managed to sort out who is, and who is not, a victim.

Police are not saying much as the investigation is just getting underway. Still, it appears to be a case of self defense. Which has the journalists all feeling sad.

Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0.

ATF Pistol Brace Rule Vacated

Though I expect the Biden Administration to appeal. Federal Judge Vacates ATF Rule on Pistol Braces

We're still waiting to see what the Supreme Court does in Rahimi and Cargill, but gun owners did get some very good news from the federal courts on Thursday. A U.S. District Judge in Texas has vacated the ATF's rule treating pistols equipped with stabilizing braces as short-barreled rifles; granting relief not only for the named plaintiffs involved in the litigation, but for every gun owner across the country who owns a brace.

"For now" it is dead.

For the time being, the rule is dead. And depending on what the Supreme Court does with the Cargill case, it might not be the only ATF rule to succumb to court scrutiny this week. SCOTUS is scheduled to release more decisions from this term on Friday, and the challenge to the bump stock ban could be among the cases that are decided this week.

I don't expect the Left to take any of this gracefully.

Hollywood Is Destroying Itself

Movies are dead. Almost. For the most part. There have been three movies released recently that were generally considered to be from okay to pretty good. I haven't seen any of them, because I subscribe to the rule, "Don't give money to people who hate you," and Hollywood hates/despises (almost) everything I believe in.

The three movies are Bad Boys: Ride or Die, The Fall Guy, and Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga. Critics that I TRUST (The Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic, Alan Ng, Chris Gore, etc.) mostly liked these movies.

For example, everyone described The Fall Guy as a fun, action movie. People who saw it, liked it; it has an 86% score on Rotten Tomatoes from the verified audience. Despite that, no one went to go see it. After six weekends in release, it has earned $166.3 million at the worldwide box office. The studio gets roughly half of that, with the rest going to the theaters. Which wouldn't be bad, but they spent $125 million making the movie. That is before anything was spent on advertising.

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is in worse shape. They had a production budget of $168 million, and have earned $145.7 million at the global box office.

Bad Boys: Ride or Die does have a chance to break even. They did spend $100 million on the movie, but in the 1st week of release it has already earned $118.6 million dollars. The studio behind this won't make a ton of money, but they MIGHT break even.

This is Eric July's video Hollywood has a Hollywood Problem. Eric is many things, a comic creator, and a musician, but mostly I follow Eric July's videos on YouTube because he is a businessman. Something that is sadly lacking in Hollywood. The Fall Guy was mostly a Romantic Comedy with a lot of stunts. You can't make money on a romantic comedy with a production budget of $125 million. I don't make movies, I only watch them, but even I know that. RomComs are something that studios USED to put up an coming, or newly arrived, star in because they are cheap and they generally make a decent return. Think You've Got Mail, or When Harry Met Sally. Do you think those movies were expensive to make?

As I've mentioned before, I used to see a lot of movies. I saw Hollywood blockbusters, even the bad ones. I watched Romantic Comedies. I even dragged friends out to see some independent films that they never would have seen otherwise. A very long time ago, I even saw foreign films. Now I watch movies on DVD from my local library, or occasionally on streaming, or not at all.

13 June 2024

Four Footed Predators Are Dangerous

Just recently there was TikTok/Viral thing about how women would choose a bear over a man. I bet this woman is glad she didn't make that choice. Island Park man shoots grizzly after it charges girlfriend - East Idaho News.

On the night of June 6, an Island Park resident shot and killed a yearling male grizzly as it charged the man’s girlfriend in front of their home near Last Chance.

The man said he and his girlfriend were exiting their vehicle and heading into the house when she screamed, drawing his attention to a bear running in her direction. The man was removing items from the vehicle, which included a shotgun that he was able to raise and fire toward the bear, causing it to turn and run away.

Idaho Department of Fish and Game responded to the scene upon receiving a call about a dead bear near the roadway. After a thorough investigation, it was determined that the homeowner acted in defense-of-life during a surprise encounter with the bear from a short distance.

You are only an apex predator if you are armed. Good thing he had a shotgun, and not just a pistol.

Trusting the Science Is Difficult When There Is So Much Lying

And not a little bit of lying about results, but a lot of lying. Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud

First the What of Academic publishing.

Academic publishing is a major industry for two reasons. The publishing industry generates about $30 billion in revenue, approximately 40% of which comes from within the United States. These publications don't make their money from advertisers. To have a research paper published in a top-tier journal will cost the research team several thousand dollars. That money typically is an authorized expense of the grant or contract the laboratory has received.

So why spend money to be published? ($12,000 is mentioned as the cost.)

The way you win grants, acquire and maintain academic tenure, and move from the underpaid gypsy status of a post-doctoral researcher is by publishing. Nearly all the problems associated with academic publishing — fraudulent data, insipid and irrelevant subjects, and incoherent writing being top among them — stem from the role publishing in academic journals plays in scientific research. Paradoxically, the business model of academic journals is based on selling space to needy scientists, and so there is a tension between academic integrity and the bottom line that technology, especially the emergence of large language models, has exacerbated.

And the cheating/lying is real. Getting AI to write unintelligible nonsense. Falsifying data.

Scientific publishing has morphed into the worst kind of self-promotion.

When I was senior in college, I had dreams of becoming a PhD. I would read some of the academic journals of the day. They were awful. Why use one paragraph, when you could say the same thing in 3 pages of techno-babble? You were not awarded points for Brevity, or Clarity. In fact you were penalized for those traits. In the end I decided that getting a PhD wasn't all it was cracked up to be, and I went into industry instead.

The next time someone tells you to "trust the science," just remember that you are being asked to rely upon a deeply corrupted system that hosts a lot of people who are much more interested in moving their careers forward than in the cause of science.

Hat tip View from the Beach: Science is Dead, Long Live Science

Covenant Killer Left Parents Note with Instructions for 'If I Don't Survive'

More from The Tennessee Star on the Nashville shooting. Covenant Killer [Redacted] Left Parents Suicide Note with Instructions for 'If I Don't Survive My Massacre' - Tennessee Star

The Tennessee Star has obtained the suicide note left by Covenant School killer Audrey Elizabeth Hale to her parents before her devastating March 27, 2023 attack that claimed the lives of three 9-year-old students and three adults.

Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) investigators found the note posted to Hale’s bedroom wall, which The Star has learned was adorned with childhood memorabilia and photos.

Addressed to her parents, Hale also mentioned her brother Scott in the two-paragraph note.

Click thru for the details. The Tennessee Star has apparently also gotten another 80 or so pages for writings from the killer. I expect more will be forthcoming.

Given how long this action was being planned, I find it hard to believe that someone didn't know about it. Like the therapist she was seeing, or someone else in her life.

12 June 2024

Wednesday Link Roundup - 12 June

Pirate's Cove is first with Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  1. Powerline has an axis of weasels
  2. Pacific Pundit shows who the new Miss Maryland is

EBL - Russia vs. Ukraine: Who wins this war of attrition?

Instapundit: Where is Putin getting his troops?
Russian women still support the war
The Express: Ukraine turns back recent Russia attack

Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 06.10.24

American Conservative: Will the First Amendment Save Assange? also, Where Is Democrats’ Outrage at Biden’s Authoritarianism?
American Greatness: Jill Biden, Edith Wilson, and the Changing American State

Small Dead Animals - Tuesday On Turtle Island

Blackie’s Canada: Justin’s migrants crossing into the U.S. Trudeau looks after Quebec. The CBC is fading.
China Virus News: Following up on Fauci.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 11 June 2024: Escape From New Hampshire Edition

Department of Rent Seeking: ISPs are asking the FCC to tax Big Tech - no, the other Big Tech, not them - and give the money to ISPs to fund their private islands in the Caribbean. (Ars Technica)
This is so blatant you almost have to admire the artistry.

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - First Biden Trial Goes to Jury

Breitbart, IDF CONFIRMS: All 3 Rescued Male Israeli Hostages Held by Gaza ‘Journalist’. He's dead, Jim. Jim Treacher, They Were Just Minding Their Own Business, Guarding Their Hostages...

Vlad Tepes - The EU, Biden wins dance contest and a metric for the state of a republic type of govt in North America: Links 1 for June 11, 2024

3. The dialectical chants of the Leftist Islamic coalition against Western civ grow to global warming proportions. We could argue aganst the claim that Gaza is a concentration camp. After all if it was, it has been run by Hamas for a long time now.

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 6/11/2024

Rachel Maddow ‘Worried’ Trump Will Send Her, Other Civilians to ‘Camps’
During a recent interview with CNN, Rachel Maddow revealed that she was “worried” that, if reelected in November, Donald Trump would put her and other civilians in “camps.”

Don Surber - Highlights of the Week

ITEM12: Democrat former Senator Claire McCaskill said, “What the Republicans want to do is allow everyone to buy guns everywhere without ever having to tell the federal government anything.”

Cafe Hayek - Some Additional Links on David Boaz (1953-2024)

David is remembered by Shikha Dalmia, Jonathan Rauch, Aaron Ross Powell, Andy Craig, Radley Balko, Tom Palmer, and my intrepid Mercatus Center colleague, Veronique de Rugy.

Maggie's Farm - Saturday morning links

The Daily Chart: How Big Is Academic Fraud?
A Referendum on Biden's Corruption of the Legal System

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: Democrat cover-up of the COVID-19 pandemic leaves us exposed to the next outbreak

• Masks off: DC protesters openly support Hamas, Hezbollah David Isaac
• Biden Claims He Doesn't Have Enough Planes to Deport Illegals Jazz Shaw

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 6//10/24

“Would there have been a warning to those civilians for them to get out in time?”
Israel Rescues Hostages, World Mourns Deaths of Hamas Supporters

I leave you with Sunday Funnies For 06-09-24 from Stately McDaniel Manor, Sunday Funnies from Flopping Aces, Monday Memes .. from MaddMedic, and Yeah, it's already Monday gifdump from Wirecutter.