27 June 2024

First He Was Shot, Then He Was Arrested

I'm sure he planned that his day would turn out differently. Man tries to gun down ex, her new boyfriend, but ends up only one shot, Miami-Dade police say

Also, people need to come to terms with the statement, "It's over!"

A southwest Miami-Dade man is facing five felony charges, including two counts of attempted murder, after police said he opened fire on his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend.

According to an arrest report, the suspected gunman, convicted felon Steven Alexander Williams, apparently missed his targets. However, police said the woman’s new boyfriend didn’t: He shot back in self-defense, hitting Williams in the leg.

Couple of center-mass shots would have saved the taxpayers money, but at least justice might be served.

One of those unnamed charges is sure to be prohibited person in possession of a firearm.

The 57-year-old spent nearly eight years in prison after 1990 convictions for aggravated battery, aggravated assault with a weapon and threatening to use a firearm.

The two people shot at were not arrested because this didn't happen in New York City.

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