28 June 2024

Liberty Doll Takes on the ATF

She is braver than I. Granted, the ATF has been up to no good these past 3 years.

Alright folks this one is going to get real. It will almost certainly be demonetized, and will get me onto any watch list I'm not already making regular guest appearances on. Hopefully it won't get me arrested, or thrown into some black sight in Virginia. This is still the USA, with all of its attendant Constitutional Rights, after all. At least most of the time. Some of the time? Okay, once in a while, we still have our rights.

Is the ATF a criminal organization? That question is purely rhetorical. So go barricade yourself in the basement, lock your doors, and put on your tinfoil hats, my friends, because this is the stuff that the government doesen't like us talking about.

This is Liberty Doll's video The ATF is a Criminal Organization. It's about 13 minutes, so grab a beverage of choice.

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