29 June 2024

I Have a Different Opinion on the Debate

This is from The Other McCain. MELTDOWN: Democrats Panic After Biden Has the ‘Single Worst Debate Performance in American History’

My pre-debate prediction was that CNN had this “debate” pre-arranged to be a Biden victory, but if so, it certainly didn’t work as planned. Not only is CNN itself now admitting that Biden crashed like the Hindenburg at Lakehurst, but there is a universal consensus among Democrats and all their media mouthpieces that (a) Biden cannot win in November and (b) he therefore must be replaced as the party’s nominee

My opinion is that whoever is actually running the country - it clearly is not Joe - knew that he would fail in the debate. That is WHY the debate is so early. Before the convention. The earliest Presidential debate ever. This is so that they can replace him at the convention. With Newsome, or Michelle Obama, or whoever.

My question is, why haven't they removed him from office? He clearly is not competent to be in office. He hasn't been for some time.

My other questions is when does someone get charged with elder abuse?

Back to The Other McCain.

Yes, how did we get here? With the surprising midnight discovery of “extra” mail-in ballots on Election Night 2020? How did we get here, with 51 intelligence operatives signing a letter swearing that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation”? How did we get here, with a “cabal” of operatives bragging about how they “fortified” Biden’s alleged victory in 2020? You see, Ms. McCaskill, some of us know damned well how we got here, and we know who is responsible for this. Unlike you, however, we don’t “feel terribly for Joe Biden,” as this was the logical conclusion of his long and dishonest career in politics. His first presidential campaign collapsed because Biden was caught plagiarizing his speeches. In early 2020 — don’t you remember? — Biden was on the verge of losing the Democratic nomination to Bernie Sanders until James Carville swooped in, got James Clyburn to endorse Biden, then locked down the black vote to win the South Carolina primary.


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