28 June 2024

Friday Links - 28 June

AWR Hawkins at Breitbart is first with an interesting statistic. California: No. 1 in Gun Control, No. 1 in ‘Active Shooter Incidents’ in 2023

The FBI “designated 48 shootings as active shooter incidents” in 2023. California was the leading state in the nation, having 8 of the 48 incidents.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds - Crime and Punishment in the 21st Century

To no one’s surprise, the Supreme Court in U.S. v. Rahimi has upheld a law forbidding people under domestic-violence restraining orders from obtaining firearms.

Clayton Cramer - Interesting New Theory of Easter Island Collapse

In a comprehensive new study, researchers found that the population of monument-carvers could not possibly have been big enough to collapse under the demands placed on their environment, as has previously been suggested.

William Teach at Pirate's Cove - Right On Schedule, The Atlantic Whines About Other People Using Air Conditioning

It’s seems to be a yearly rite of passage, where some outlet complains about AC at this time of the year, and it’s certainly not the first The Atlantic article that does this over the years

Paul Joseph Watson at Modernity News posted to Zero Hedge - People Surprised And Worried By UK Army Ad Showing Exclusively White People

People have expressed ominous surprise that the British military is once again targeting white men in recruitment ads, with some seeing it as a sign that war is coming.

The Other McCain - NY16 Primary Results

9 p.m. ET: Polls just closed in New York, where the Democratic primary in the 16th congressional district pits deranged Jew-hater Jamaal Bowman against a slightly less crazy challenger, George Latimer.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 26 June 2024: Stochastic Scrabble Bag Edition Wordpress runs a LOT of the internet.

Five Wordpress plugins - not official plugins but still hosted on Wordpress.org - were hacked and had backdoors inserted into the source code. (Bleeping Computer)

The Wordpress model means that security is not even an option; any plugin can do anything. The core Wordpress code has been relatively stable and free of exploits for a while now, but since [every] Wordpress blog uses plugins, that's not much of a reassurance.

Area Ocho - Saber Rattling and Hollow Shell

Our military is an overly expensive, hollow shell that can’t accomplish many of its core missions. Any war against a near peer adversary is therefore likely to end with the exchange of strategic nuclear weapons as our military gets its ass handed to them.

Again from The Other McCain - Prediction: Worst ‘Debate,’ Ever

Every day, I watch CNN (so you don’t have to) and for the past several days, they’ve been hyping up tonight’s so-called “debate” between Joe Biden and Donald Trump as the Most Important Debate in World History. Like everything else on CNN, this is a lie.

Smitty at The Other McCain has a debate poem. An Hour and a Half That Cannot be Recovered. There is more than I've included here.

Zombie Joe
Who do you know?
That last brain cell is failing. ...

The last word goes to Adaptive Curmudgeon on Debates. How It Should Be

I ponder learned men and women discussing issues of great import. I imagine Socrates rocking a Greek toga while Cicero in Roman garb that’s basically a hipper version of an old Greek toga strides about. Everyone there is smart, civil, and intelligent. Any moderator who interrupts gets stabbed. You need to swear on your mother’s grave that you’ve read at least three books per quarter just to watch. If you’re lying, the Oracle of Delphi knows and rats you out. Liars are thrown down a well… which, now that I think of it, should be applied to Congress starting now. We might need to dig more wells.

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