25 June 2024

Politics, the State of American Foreign Policy, and More

It's all crap. From The Other McCain we get the following. AOC, ‘ADOS,’ and the Strange New Contours of ‘White Supremacy’

One of the basic problems of young extremists — this is equally true of Nick Fuentes and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — is that they don’t know history, and cannot be made to understand why history matters. A few years ago, Michelle Malkin tried to get Fuentes to abandon his Jew-hating (thus to make his “Groypers” a force capable of influencing mainstream politics), but that proved to be a futile effort.

Click thru for more on the current insanity, the failure of American foreign policy to really reformulate itself after the fall of the Soviet Union, and more.

It is a long post, so grab a coffee. It is hard to know what to highlight, but I will settle for this.

In the same way (and for the same reason) that Democrats hype the threat of “white supremacy,” they also accuse Republicans of promoting “Christian nationalism.” It should be obvious that both of these propaganda phrases are aimed at keeping Jews so afraid of Republicans — “Orange Man Bad!” — that they’ll vote for Joe Biden, despite the disastrous consequences of Biden’s policies for Israel, despite the blatant anti-Semitism expressed by Democrats like Jamaal Bowman, and despite the fact that American Christians are overwhelmingly pro-Israel.

It is worth a few minutes of your time.

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