22 June 2024

Professional Journalists Hate the Very Idea of Legal Self Defense

They have questions about the legality of defending yourself after you've been attacked. Questions about this case only exist in the minds of Professional Journalists™. Deadly Commerce City home invasion leads to questions about ‘Make My Day’ law

Someone at KDVR - Fox 31, in Denver, knows that they screwed up, because they changed the title of the article. It was originally as listed above. They changed it to, "Commerce City police investigate after resident reportedly shot, killed intruder." They didn't bother to change the 1st paragraph.

COMMERCE CITY, Colo. (KDVR) — A Commerce City resident shot and killed a man who had allegedly broken in and assaulted the resident early on Sunday, according to police, and now questions have arisen about whether the shooting falls under a Colorado self-defense law.

Their own legal advisor says that Colorado homeowners have the right to defend themselves if people come to their property and present a threat. The homeowner in question had to be hospitalized for injuries received from the guy he shot. I think that means he was a threat. "Professional Journalists" do not agree.

Granted, the investigation is ongoing. But in cases like this, that are not a mystery, that usually means they are waiting for a coroner's report, a drug screen to see if any toxic substances were found, an ID (which I don't believe has been made in this case), before the police can finish their paperwork, and turn the case over to the DA. That doesn't mean they suspect foul play, it means real life doesn't play out as fast as it does on CSI, or whatever is your favorite cop show.

But the Journalists can't reference all of those facts and move on, because the current narrative is that Colorado's "Make My Day" law (named after the Clint Eastwood quote from from his iconic Dirty Harry character) is bad. They must support the narrative, and that means taking every opportunity to attack the law, and the right to self defense. How dare you not rely on the State, even for the things the state cannot provide.


  1. Self-defense is hated by the left. It is the most basic act of individual liberty

  2. So, I wonder how many Journalists on the Washington Post, or NY Times or any of the newspapers go around unarmed in their cities?

  3. 20 years ago, or so, when I was living in St Pete, the city council tied the hands of the cops in the same way as NYC and the other big cities have done in the years since. One of the journalists at either the local daily or the artsy weekly had moved into a house and immediately had problems like being accosted in his own driveway.

    After the 2nd cop told him to get a gun and a concealed carry permit he reluctantly did.

    My guess is that if any journalists today take advantage of the changing concealed carry laws, it is only after they have been mugged. And maybe not even then.

    1. At least I remember that the St Pete journalist did. He wrote an opinion piece in whichever paper lamenting the fact that the cops were telling him that they couldn't protect him. He was on his own. He didn't take that advice after the first "bad interaction." But after it happened again...

    2. Can't remember who said "A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged."


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