26 June 2024

I Don't Think Criminal Justice Reform Is Working

It is not working very well if you count the victims. Gunman killed Jai'Mani Rivera 2 weeks after cutting off ankle monitor: prosecutors - CWB Chicago

Raysean Comer was arrested for a felony charge, but because it is not fair to keep felons in jail, he was placed on electronic monitoring. He cut off his ankle monitor. He also failed to appear in court on a different charge. All of the charges he was facing include robbery, battery, and possession of a stolen vehicle. Comer is 16 years old.

Two weeks after he cut off the ankle monitor, he opened fire in a parking structure, and killed Jai’mani Amir Rivera, who was 7 years old. He was taking a cooking pot back to a neighbors house, 300 yards from Comer when she was struck in the chest by a bullet.

[Raysean Comer] is the 14th person accused of shooting, killing, or trying to shoot or kill someone in Chicago this year while on pretrial release. The cases involve 26 victims, four of whom died.

Now that he has killed someone, they will hold him pending trial. I'm sure that is cold comfort to the family of the dead child.

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