30 June 2024

Disney Star Wars: "What's even left for them to Fail at?"

The Disney+ show Star Wars: The Acolyte is a perfect example of the lack of writing talent in Hollywood today. The people writing The Acolyte apparently haven't even taken many screenwriting classes. Or writing classes. Or something.

They have failed at character development, at building suspense in a murder mystery, at world building, at story continuity (not just with legacy Star Wars, but their own damn writing), and they've failed at action. The cinematography is crap too, and the special effects are nothing to write home about. I haven't seen all of it - I don't have D+ - but the little I have seen is not making me want to see more.

This is Critical Drinker's video The Acolyte Episode 5 - It's The Least Bad Episode So Far! That is not a high bar to get over.

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