31 March 2021

The Anniversary of Cincinnati's Union Terminal

This is mostly of interest for the photos, from the Library of Congress, from when the station was new. Today in History, March 31, 1933: Cincinnati’s iconic Union Terminal opened

It was an Art Deco masterpiece in its day. It has been a museum for a number of years, and was just recently refurbished, though I haven't been there since it reopened. Though I am not actually sure what the COVID-19 impacts on its schedule have been.

The Tea Room, the Lunchroom, the ticket windows, the offices, etc. They were Art Deco wonders. Be sure to check out the photo gallery at the link above.

The image is from WikiMedia Commons. You can find more information at this link regarding attribution, and more.

USA Today Editor Blames Whites for Everything, Loses Job

This was in relation to the Boulder shooting. USA Today editor fired for tweet blaming Boulder shooting on 'White man', blames 'alt-right Twitter' | Fox News

Hemal Jhaveri, the "race and inclusion" editor of USA Today IMMEDIATELY blamed an "Angry white man" for the Boulder shooting. Of course it wasn't an angry white man. It was an angry Syrian-born immigrant named Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. All of his victims were white, but she never bothered to mention that either. "Don't clutter the issue with facts! We have a NARRATIVE to support!"

And because 2021 is insane, this mostly played out on Twitter.

Jhaveri deleted the tweet, which apparently was not enough to save her job.

Because screen shots existed, and she was distraught that other people would treat her the way she treated everyone else.

One of the accounts she spotlighted belongs to popular YouTube host and frequent Fox News guest Dave Rubin, who mocked, "I'm shocked and appalled that the Race and Inclusion editor at a major newspaper is, in fact, a racist."

She is claiming some BS reason that she got fired, never admitting that she got the facts wrong, jumped to a racist and non-inclusive position based on no evidence, and basically showed that she was completely unsuited for "race and inclusion" editor.

But then this is the era where no one wants to be responsible. She should be free to rail against whites every day and face no impact, and it you object to that you are hopeless bigot. Of course her racist tirades against whiteness are not racist in her mind.

Wednesday Link Roundup

Bacon Time!!!! - Sunday Linkage

Bustednuckles Keeping My Crazy Up To Date
Woodsterman Backing Up ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
Victory Girls Nancy Pelosi On Iowa: Certified Elections Don’t Matter

Pirate's Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  1. Climate Scepticism wonders how you measure hot air
  2. Green Jihad discusses the game behind Biden’s border crisis
  3. No Tricks Zone covers the UK cooling since before St. Greta was born

Wombat-socho at The Other McCain - In The Mailbox: 03.30.21 (Afternoon Edition)

Hollywood In Toto: How Scorsese’s Cape Fear Did More Than Trump The Original, also, Could Colbert Survive His “Racist” Asian Jokes today?
The Lid: Biden Team Wants Volunteers To Help With Border Crisis

EBL - Norma 🎭

Diogenes Middle Finger News: Jen Psaki is Losing It
American Elephants: Turning into a nation of crackpots

Daley Gator - Your CCW News Update For Sunday (03/28/21)

An upscale Detroit restaurant has sparked an outrage among stoners and social justice warriors for posting their dress code on Facebook – which includes not stinking of marijuana.

Don Surber - Highlights of the News

ITEM 2: Jayme Metzgar reported, "Once Held Hostage By Teachers’ Unions, West Virginia Just Passed The Nation’s Broadest School Choice Law."

Political Hat - News of the Week (March 28th, 2021)

Black Lives Matter Traps Shoppers in Rochester Grocery Store
A mob of Black Lives Matter agitators in Rochester, N.Y., physically trapped shoppers in a Wegmans grocery store on Tuesday

Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 03.30.21 (Evening Edition)

Power Line: Biden Hits The Dishonesty Jackpot With Claims About Georgia Voting Law, also, An Ex-President Strikes Back
Shark Tank: DeSantis Nixes Vaccine Passports

A View from the Beach - Annals of the Biden Crime Family - Hunters Got a Gun

‘My Son Hunter’ – Is This the Movie President Biden Fears Most?
Phelim McAleer returns to tell a shocking story Big Tech and the media covered up. Fox, Hunter Biden probe 'active and ongoing' without White House interference.

Battleswarm Blog - DeSantis Continues To Crush It

Now DeSantis has vowed that Florida will not allow any unconstitutional “vaccine passport” nonsense:

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 3/28/2021

L.A. County Votes for $36m Increase in Police Funding After Major Crime Surge
The Los Angeles County Metro Board of Directors voted 12-0 to increase police funding by $36 million on Thursday.

Vlad Tepes - Canada’s BC sees ANOTHER mass stabbing attack with no description of perp, UK Parliament asks for real numbers, NO Danger from variants: Links 2, March 29, 2021

3. Risk of Asymptomatic Spread Minimal. Variants Over-Hyped. Masks Pointless. An Interview With Professor Jay Bhattacharya

Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report - 3/29/21 [J.J. Sefton]

"We could hear a man chuckling. Gunshots were close. We believe it was him chuckling."
Report: Boulder Shooter Allegedly Laughed While Killing Innocents

Maggie's Farm - Monday morning links

The Meaning of the Woke Military
The Not-White Party
How C.S. Lewis Predicted the Woke Nightmare

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: Senators Visiting Border Witness Cartel Members Taunting Border Patrol

Illegal Immigration Linked With Organized Crime, Border Expert Says: Virginia Allen
Cuellar shares second batch of photos from migrant detention facilities: Carly Roman
DC mayor ripped for 'deafening' silence on Uber driver's carjacking death: Emma Colton

I leave you with Sunday Funnies, 03-28-21 from Stately McDaniel Manor, Sunday gifdump from Knuckledraggin My Life Away, and Sunday Memes … from Freedom Is Just Another Word…

Woman Defends Herself

Maybe he will learn to take no for an answer, or accept the idea that "it's over," or that he can't always do as he pleases. Police: Man shot in neck on northeast side during ‘domestic situation’

Police said a woman shot a man in the neck during a domestic situation in which the man was “being aggressive” with the woman.

While the incident remains under investigation, the police told reporters that it appears to be a case of self-defense.

Self-defense is a human right.

It's Not Unethical When Democrats Do It

If it weren't for double standards, the Left would have no standards at all. Yale Psychiatrist Who Declared Trump Mentally Unfit Has Been Fired, and She’s Suing

Bandy Lee, the psychiatrist who repeatedly diagnosed Trump as mentally unfit and dangerous, without ever even having met him, has apparently been fired by Yale University.

What a shame.

Her diagnois extended to Alan Dershowitz (a lawyer on Trump's team), and everyone who ever supported Donald Trump.

Diagnosing people from afar is a big no-no in psychiatry. They even have a description for that. It’s called the ‘Goldwater Rule.’

The Golwater Rule, of The American Psychiatric Association (APA), dates to the 1964 Presidential election.

7. 3. On occasion psychiatrists are asked for an opinion about an individual who is in the light of public attention or who has disclosed information about himself/herself through public media. In such circumstances, a psychiatrist may share with the public his or her expertise about psychiatric issues in general. However, it is unethical for a psychiatrist to offer a professional opinion unless he or she has conducted an examination and has been granted proper authorization for such a statement.

The link to the APA discusses the controversy from 1964.

Brandy Lee is, of course, suing Yale, because Democrats should be able to say whatever the hell they please with no repercussions.

You can find the original article at the Yale paper at this link.

Since U Been Gone

A lot of people, me included, love to go on about how Pop Music is basically awful. People who can't sing without AutoTune, no real instruments, a lack of songwriting, etc.

But of course that isn't always the case. Or maybe today's song is the exception that proves the rule. Or something.

And in the name of full disclosure I wouldn't have revisited this song if it weren't for the latest entry in Rick Beato's series What Makes This Song Great? Episode 101: Kelly Clarkson and "Since U Been Gone." That episode was just released on Monday. Even if you don't listen to the song below, you might enjoy Rick's analysis of what is going on with the songwriting and the arrangement and the mix.

This is "Since U Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson from her 2004 album Breakaway. It was released as a single shortly before the album was released.

30 March 2021

Frank Miller on Comics

Frank Miller is responsible for some of the graphic novels that have become movies. The two of note are 300 and Sin City. If by some mischance you have not seen those movies, treat yourself. They are good. Even if both are violent, and a bit over the top.

This is "Frank Miller on Frank Miller".

Cuomo and His Administration

First up, another accuser has come forward. New Andrew Cuomo accuser Sherry Vill speaks out about allegation

This guy apparently has no shame, or he would have resigned by now.

A woman described in detail Monday how Gov. Andrew Cuomo grabbed her face, “manhandled” her and forcibly kissed her while touring her flood-damaged home in 2017 — saying he did so in a “highly sexual manner.”

So how many women have to come forward before the Left lynches a Democrat in the way they go after the Republicans? Well, if they never abandoned Bill Clinton, they probably won't turn on Handy Andy Cuomo.

Next, New York State nursing homes and the Cuomo administration are not happy with each other. Top Cuomo officials ‘threatened’ nursing home reps during heated call about COVID vaccines.

Except of course, the bureaucrats didn't seem to know what they were talking about. Didn't stop them from threatening license revocation.

State Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker and Beth Garvey, special counsel to the governor, used the call to threaten nursing home operators for failing to pick up vaccine shipments they supposedly ordered — only for it to emerge that their gripes were based on inaccurate information.

Hey, this stuff is complicated. You can't expect a bureaucrat to understand it all. And besides, they don't have to understand anything to threaten you. It is actually easier if they understand nothing.

There was the "You have to take COVID-19 patients" directive to nursing homes, that probably caused thousands of deaths. Then there was the undercount of deaths by about 50 percent because they didn't want to be investigated about the first item. There was this call... But that isn't all.

And this month it was alleged that, during the early days of the pandemic, Cuomo arranged then-scarce coronavirus tests for relatives and members of his inner circle — as his administration rebuffed requests for tests for some nursing homes.

Because some animals are more equal than others.

Rapist Turned Loose Offends Again

This is what happens when you turn violent criminals loose on the public. Prosecutors: Rapist who followed woman from Belmont Red Line was supposed to be on electronic monitoring | CWB Chicago

In January of last year he sexually assaulted a woman on the Red Line (one of the transit routes in Chicago).

A grand jury later returned an 18 felony count true bill against Jackson.

Five months ago, prosecutors agreed to drop all of them except one robbery charge in a plea deal that gave Jackson probation. But Jackson didn’t even bother to have a court-ordered electronic monitoring band installed after he was sentenced. And authorities never took him into custody for failing to comply.

This is "The System" that we are supposed to rely on to "keep us safe." A system that turns violent criminals loose to be violent again.

Instead of being home on electronic monitoring, Gumbs said, Jackson was at the Belmont Red Line station around 3:45 a.m. March 14 when a 29-year-old woman caught his eye.

Surveillance footage allegedly shows Jackson following the woman from the platform, onto Belmont Avenue, and then down the street as she walked home.

You can read the article for the rest.

I wonder what plea deal they will come up with this time.

"Mostly Peaceful" Weekend in Chicago

HeyJackass! has the latest on "Spring Training" season in Chicago. This year is shaping up to be a record breaker. Mostly Peaceful Weekend

March shootings are already running 50% ahead of last year where another mostly peaceful, often violent Spring Training weekend will unlikely go out like a lamb.

Final Peaceful Tally: 5 killed, 29 wounded

Which is significantly higher than last year, and much worse than 2015.

Click thru for the details, including a link to a story of a police shooting, that I guess will start the next round of riots. Even though cops were shot at, and recovered a gun...

Transparency in Government? Only When Republicans Are in Office

Because you don't have the right to know what is being done in your name. Not when the Democrats are doing it. 'This Is Not a Zoo, Sir': Ted Cruz Posts Video From His Attempt to Film Border Facility

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) posted a video Saturday of his attempt to film an immigration facility in Donna, Texas, while alleging that President Joe Biden's administration is keeping Americans from seeing what's unfolding at the Southern border.

"How far is Joe Biden going to stop the American people from seeing inside the Donna CBP facility?" Cruz tweeted on Saturday before alleging that "Biden sent a political operative from DC to block our cameras and even threatened another senator to obstruct legitimate congressional oversight."

Where is AOC crying over the kids in cages? Guess she's not interested anymore.

Here is the video in question. Video of Ted Cruz Being Blocked From Recording Biden's Kids in Cages BREAKS THE INTERNET

The Teachers' Unions Won't Be Happy

Failing school policies doesn't mean that parents are going to leave their kids to fail. Homeschooling doubled from pandemic’s start to last fall

Overall the number jumped from 5.4% to 11% and in black families it jumped from 3.3% to 16.1%. And they were not counting "virtual learning."

The survey purposefully asked the question in a way to clarify that it was inquiring about genuine homeschooling and not virtual learning through a public or private school, the Census Bureau said.

Maybe the monopoly will be broken through their own actions.

29 March 2021

This is Just Wrong

More from Lone Star Parson. Death Metal

The Metallica classic "Enter Sandman" as covered by the Bluegrass Band, Iron Horse.

I'm both impressed and distressed.

Sleep with one eye open,
gripping your pillow tight.

Exit Light.
Enter Night.

You can find the original (or the remastered version, anyway) at this link.

A Lone Star Parson Musical Interlude

Greyhound posterCourtesy of Lone Star Parson, we have Wolf Pack

"Wolfpack" is a song by the Swedish Heavy Metal band Sabaton (don't worry, English lyrics) from their 2005 debut album, Primo Victoria. Sabaton has a thing for songs about historical events. I am slowly coming around to liking them. When I first tripped over them, years ago, I didn't care for what I heard. That is changing. Here are two songs I've featured before. Though the list will also include this post.

The version of the video includes scenes/cuts from the 2020 Tom Hanks movie, Greyhound. Both the song and the movie are about the same convoy crossing the North Atlantic during the early days of WWII. Though the events described in the movie, and maybe the song as well, are based on the 1955 novel The Good Shepherd by C. S. Forester. The action is heavily fictionalized.

Though it is supposed to be a decent movie. I haven't seen the movie, as I am giving NO money to Hollywood at this time. And that includes Apple TV. Or whatever. I suppose it's time to see if my library has it on DVD. The clips in the video look good.

Anyway, click thru.

Freak On a Leash

Nu Metal came at the end of the reign of Rock & Roll and the begining of the drek we have today under Pop Music. I'm never sure if you can blame Nu Metal or not.

Here is what the Wiki has to say.

Nu metal (sometimes stylized as nü-metal) is a subgenre of alternative metal that combines elements of heavy metal music with elements of other music genres such as hip hop, alternative rock, funk, industrial, and grunge.

This is "Freak on a Leash" by KoЯn from their 1998 album Follow The Leader. That album hit #1 on the Billboard charts, and signaled the beginning of the mainstream acceptance of Nu Metal.

This is another song that was featured on the series What Makes This Song Great? by Rick Beato.

Seattle SJW Charged in Anti-Asian Hate Crimes

The narrative is taking a beating. EXCLUSIVE: Seattle social-justice activist charged over anti-Asian hate attacks | The Post Millennial

Two separate incidents where he threw things at Asian women. In one case it was a woman and her children. In the other case there is video of the "encounter."

The videos and accusations against Hamner have been surprising for some given his reputation as a staunch BLM and racial-justice activist in the Seattle-area.

This Social Justice Warrior is charged with Felony Hate.

It is only surprising to people who do not realize that SJWs hate Asians, because their success in school and in life, undercuts all or most of the narrative of the Left.

And so it is increasingly the case that Asians are discriminated against in college admissions. Then there are the attacks like these two incidents.

Hat tip to The Other McCain - Trump-Hating BLM Activist Charged for Attacking Asian Women in Seattle.

Don’t expect to see this reported on CNN.

Drugs/Alcohol Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

Though this could really be a failure of the Victim-selection process. Authorities: Homeowner shoots man trying to enter his house in Ohio Co.

According to authorities, Joe Snooks, of Paducah, was trying to get inside the residence when the homeowner fired one round from his handgun and shot Snooks in the right knee to protect himself and his family.

We are told Snooks appeared to be under the influence of an intoxicating substance.

The guy who got shot is in a local hospital.

Self-defense is a human-right.

The World is Laughing At Us - "Weekend at Biden's"

Because the Australians are not part of the Swamp. Australian Reporter Thinks Biden Admin is a Joke: “Weekend at Biden’s” MUST SEE! – Sgt Pat🔥🔥🔥

Cory Bernardi was the Australian senator from South Australia from 2006 to 2020. He is now a commenator for Sky News.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Though to be fair, they also know how this is likely to end.

"Das narrative uber alles"

Because it can't be a failure of progressive policies, or civilization as built by progressives. Washington DC is a sh*thole run by a garbage person.

A 13-year-old girl and a 15-year-old girl tried to carjack an Uber Eats driver. They used a Taser on him and caused him to crash. He died.

Notice how one of the girls’ biggest concern wasn’t that she tazed a man, crashed his car, and killed him, but that she left her phone in the car she murdered a man while trying to steal.

And because 2 black girls killing a hard-working Palestinian-immigrant doesn't forward anyone's narrative, the mayor of the sh*thole DC has to make it about being safe in the face of auto theft. Which, strictly speaking, is NOT carjacking.

There are thoughts on the non-actions of national guard troops, video of the incident, and more. Click thru.

28 March 2021

Suez Canal: How One Screw-up Can Impact Economies - UPDATED

The Suez Canal is a major bit of infrastructure, and it has been out of commission for most of a week. The Scottish Sun - Suez Canal: Fears UK prices will soar as Ever Given blocks trading route - just before Brits can go to shops again.

Lars Jensen, chief executive of Sea-Intelligence Consulting, told the Daily Mirror that the delay would cause a “ripple effect” with increased freight costs and freight times.

He said: “Even if the canal was to open tomorrow it would cause months of shipping delays.

European ports can handle a total of about 50,000 containers a day. The canal has been blocked since March 23rd. So that freight is backing up. And it will take a while for that backlog to clear, once the canal is open.

The economic impact is immense. Washington Post - Hopes for blocked Suez Canal hinge on rising tide potentially freeing ship

The potential for a full-blown economic calamity was palpable — the canal is a vital global portal, carrying 13 percent of all global trade via ships ferrying $9.5 billion in goods each day.

That includes everything from IKEA furniture to oil for the European market.

The WaPo article mentions that there is an astronomically high tide on the 29th, but gives no details. That is because tides are higher than normal (slightly higher) during the full moon and the dark of the moon. The next high tide will happen at 11:42 AM, local time, and it will be 6.82 ft (2.08 m) above mean sea-level.

UPDATE: Suez Canal Ship Is Free - The New York Times

Salvage teams, working on land and water for six days and nights, were ultimately assisted by forces more powerful than any machine rushed to the scene: the moon and the tides.

SWATting - Will Cops Ever Learn?

Cops really need to STOP seeing themselves as the Cavalry riding to the rescue after every 911 call. It seems like a lot of the time they are being played for the fools they are. Family Sues Village of Bellwood After Prank Call Leads to Raid

Geroge Soto, who is running for village trustee, said his back was fractured after a police officer handcuffed him, threw him to the ground and forced a knee into his back.

As for the 911 call...

The Bellwood Police Department released a statement that said its dispatch center received a 911 call regarding a man in possession of a high-powered rifle and a person shot. The department said Bellwood police officers, along with officers from surrounding departments, were dispatched to the address.

Because they all had to get in on the act of being heroes. Instead, they were all in on the act of being puppets.

Never Apologize to the Woke - Hit Back

This is a great list of how to defeat cancel culture. How to beat the woke: Never apologize, rally friends and punch back harder

Americans hate woke culture, as I noted in these pages not too long ago. Black, white, Republican and Democrat, a large majority of Americans oppose it. Even people like former President Barack Obama, Bill Maher and ultra-liberal comedienne Sarah Silverman hate it (Maher calls it “Stalinist”).

But it keeps going. Why is that? And what can you do about it — especially if you or someone you are close to comes under attack? In short, it keeps going because it’s easy and fun — and you have to make it less so.

Click thru; it is not long. (Hat tip gregormendelblog.com)

Nurses in the Special Operations Executive

A Coffee or Die History Lesson. The Fanys: The nurses who became commandos during World War II - We Are The Mighty

Odette Sansom, Violette Szabó, and Noor Inayat Khan should be known by students of WWII history were members of England’s First Aid Nursing Yeomanry, or FANYs.

When British Prime Minister Winston Churchill instructed the nation’s clandestine spy agency, the Special Operations Executive (SOE), to “set Europe ablaze,” the three FANYs merged their nursing roles with espionage.

Hat tip to We Are The Mighty.

For more on SOE, see the post, Section D.

27 March 2021

Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups

Bacon Time!!!! - Wednesday Linkage

Bustednuckles: Gone Forever
Woodsterman: Libturds Amongst Us
Victory Girls: Boulder Shooter is Not Whom the Media Wanted

The Right Way - Top of the News

Jack Phillips Said 'No', Again
This is a really excellent piece, and hits so close to the bone, it's almost too good. - American Power

Wombat-socho at The Other McCain - In The Mailbox: 03.25.21

Baldilocks: Pat Scopelliti – The Local Patriot’s Reading List
BattleSwarm: Is The World Finally Tired Of Red China’s BS?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans – Washington & Lincoln

Political Hat - News of the Week (March 21st, 2021)

Portland’s Antifa Insurrection Continues: US Courthouse Under Siege, Media Nearly Silent
Some Insurrections are more equal than others.

Don Surber - Highlights of the News

ITEM 8: The National Pulse reported, "President Biden’s State Department website deleted a page dedicated to chronicling the Chinese Communist Party’s abuses against Uyghurs."

Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 03.26.21 (Afternoon Edition)

American Greatness: The Nature Of Red China’s Contempt For Us
American Power: Ellie Goulding Enhanced, also, Ellie Goulding, “Lights”
American Thinker: The Unfit President

Flopping Aces - The Week in Radical Leftism, 3/26/2021

Lesbian Wives Are Now Politically Incorrect
If normal wives are no longer PC, why wouldn’t lesbian wives be as well?

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 3/24/2021

Biden Appointee Once Questioned Whether the First Amendment Was “Obsolete, “ Has Questionable Free Speech Views
One of the appointees in Biden’s administration, Timothy Wu, a Columbia law professor...

Vlad Tepes - Last Night’s Tucker, Bitchute links, and the big white male problem in America: Links 3, March 24, 2021

2. A little perspective on Covid
3. Last night’s Tucker Carlson. Its quite good. All of it.

One last time from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 03.26.21 (Evening Edition)

This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Biden To Leave Troops In Afghanistan Past May 1 Deadline
Victory Girls: Ted Lieu Throws Toddler Tantrum At Hearing

Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report - 3/24/21 [J.J. Sefton]

"Biden's claim that the assault weapons ban, signed by President Clinton in 1994 (and lapsed in 2004) had any impact on mass shootings is false."
Like Clockwork, Biden Is Coming for Your Guns After Boulder Shooting

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: Democrats Instantly Exploit Boulder Jihadist Attack to Push Gun Grab

Hugs, Smiles, Awe, and This Past Weekend's Celebration of Life: Tessa Lena
The Nazi-Fighting Women of the Jewish Resistance: Judy Batalion
Throwback Thursday, Tuesday Edition: MOTUS

Maggie's Farm - Wednesday morning links

Betsy DeVos’s campus sex-assault rules need a tweak, not an overhaul
The Democrat Party Has Declared War on America
Teaching kids to be neoracists

I leave you with Wednesday gifdump from Knuckledraggin My Life Away, Cartoon Round Up.... from Theo Spark, Monday Made Me Laugh from By Other Means, and Wednesday Memes .. from Freedom Is Just Another Word…

Texans Are Still Armed...

Are we surprised? Man shot outside of store in northwest Houston

Police say a convenience store clerk was taking out the trash, and a homeless man was outside.

According to police, some kind of confusion occurred, and the homeless man charged at the store clerk.

So the clerk shot him.

The homeless guy was taken to a local hospital, and cops are continuing to investigate.

200 Bucks Is All This Judge Cares for Your Safety

This is truly insane. Man with 2 pending carjacking cases is charged with driving freshly-hijacked SUV. Price to go home? $200. | CWB Chicago

An 18-year-old is accused of driving a freshly-hijacked Uber vehicle last week while on juvenile probation for robbery and with two carjacking cases and a gun case pending in juvenile court. A judge told him he could go home on electronic monitoring by posting a $200 deposit.

And why wasn't this a violation of prior probation?

Any bets on whether or not he offends again?

In other news of "Affordable Bail" the count is up to 11. #11: Man who shot cop and passerby hoped to be killed by CPD, prosecutors say.

Thomas has been AWOL on drug distribution charges since he stopped showing up for court appearances in September, court records show. He is the eleventh person accused of killing or trying to kill someone in Chicago this year while on bond for another felony.

How bad does it have to get before people wake up?


I hadn't taken the time to listen to very much of music by The Pretty Reckless in the past. I heard a few of their songs in passing, and I liked what I heard, but since their new album came out I've taken the time to listen to a lot of their stuff. I like it. It is mostly old-school Rock & Roll. And I love Taylor Momsen's voice. It has a smoky quality I usually associate with jazz singers. That, and the fact that they do some real songwriting. I think you might like their stuff as well.

Though today's song isn't QUITE just old-school rock. It does remind me of both Melissa Ethridge and Pat Benetar in some ways. I leave it to you to decide.

Here's what Cryptic Rock had to say...

One of the most popular acts in Rock today, The Pretty Reckless are a no none sense Rock-n-Roll band with all the tools to get to the top. A well oiled machine, The Pretty Reckless are lead by the astounding vocals of Singer Taylor Momsen, Guitarist Ben Phillips, Drummer Jamie Perkins, and Bassist Mark Damon. Over the course of their first four albums, The Pretty Reckless have been nothing short of successful.

They had three #1 hits off their 2014 album, so I guess that statement about success is fair.

This song is "25" by The Pretty Reckless from the new album Death by Rock and Roll, which was just released on February 12th, 2021. I like it.

26 March 2021

Dion Payton, The Best Guitar Player You've Never Heard Of

I think I only heard Mr. Payton play once, at Kingston Mines, though it would have been many years ago... Dion Payton, legendary Chicago underground blues guitarist, dead at 70 - Chicago Sun-Times

He didn't record much, because he didn't trust record labels.

Mick Jagger, Jimi Hendrix and Zak Starkey all came to see Mr. Payton and his band play at different points at the Kingston Mines. Mr. Payton also performed live with Bono.

This is perhaps the only song Dion Payton ever recorded for a record label, "All Your Affection Is Gone." It is by Dion Payton, and 43rd Street Blues Band. 43rd Street has a special meaning in Chicago, because The Checkerboard Lounge was on 43rd Street. That was the Blues club owned by Buddy Guy (among others) and made famous when The Rolling Stones showed up in 1981 and made a video/album in the place.

Spring Breakers Rape & Murder Woman

Though I suppose they haven't, yet, been charged with murder. 2 spring breakers drugged, raped woman, then partied, cops say. She died in South Beach hotel.

Two North Carolina men visiting South Beach have been arrested and accused of drugging and raping a woman who later died in her hotel room, police say.

Even the first paragraph of the article seems to imply that the 2 men had nothing to do with the death. Though they left her drugged and unconscious and couldn't be bothered to call 911. They did bother to steal her credit cards.

The charges Collier and Taylor face are far more serious: burglary with battery, sexual battery, petty theft and the fraudulent use of a credit card. If the drug they gave her is proven to have played a role in her death, the men could potentially face a manslaughter or murder charge.

That will have to wait on forensics and an autopsy.

The photos below are of the victim, and the two suspects.

Pipe Bombs in Streeterville?

Streeterville is one of the swankier neighborhoods in Chicago. Explosives discovered in Streeterville apartment — nearly 17 hours after police found man dead inside

The press keeps talking about pipe bombs, but the Chicago PD has officially only spoken of "explosives." They were found in the fridge. The stuff IEDs are usually made from is kept in freezers because it is highly unstable, though that has also not been mentioned.

The original story was about a dead body and a lab set up in the kitchen, which made me think of Walter White and meth and Breaking Bad, which probably says more about me than about the story.

Detectives assigned to investigate Hilk’s death returned to his apartment around 4 p.m. Wednesday and reportedly found explosive materials, including two pipe bombs, in the refrigerator. Officially, CPD said only that the detectives found “hazardous materials.”

Which just goes to show that you are not protected by your zip code. (The building in question, City Front Plaza, looks amazing.)

Later stories confirm that there was no drug lab. Potential Explosives Found In Streeterville High-Rise; Building Partially Evacuated, Roads Shut Down, FBI And SWAT Team Sent.

Police confirmed Thursday morning, one of the chemicals found inside of the residence has been identified, by the Chicago Fire Department, as lead azide, a potentially volatile substance.

Lead azide is used in detonators, and will explode if dropped as little as 6 inches.

Neighbors were shocked, of course. They are always surprised to discover that they live in The Real World™ and not some perfect fantasy land. Though how you could expect that in Chicago is beyond me.

Friday Links

Summit News - Bloomberg Op-Ed: “We Must Start Planning for a Permanent Pandemic”

Battleswarm Blog - World Finally Tired Of China’s BS?

If by “the World” you mean “the EU,” then the answer is “maybe a little bit.

No Trick Zone - Fake Hurricane News Exposed: Average Day Of First Hurricane Formation “Contrary To Media Reports”

The Other McCain - Syrian Immigrant Ahmad Al-Issa Identified as Boulder Gunman

The Last Refuge - Here We Go – FBI Knew Boulder, Colorado, Suspect Identity Prior to Shooting.

Adaptive Curmudgeon - A Twelve Word Homestead Update: Further Details

1.) Quit whining and count my blessings…

Bayou Renaissance Man - Is the Biden administration deliberately trying to undermine the fifty States?

"Mass Federalization: How Washington is Bailing Out Failed States, Decapitating Competitive Ones and Ending America As You Knew It"

No Lawyers-Only Guns and Money - Is That Like Double Secret Probation?

Vox Popoli - Running cover for rapists

It's informative, is it not, that the sports media will openly admit that they'd rather defend a black SJW who sexually assaults women than a white man with right-wing views.

Moonbattery - Biden’s Handlers Prepare $3 Trillion Spending Binge

Because the dollar is the world’s reserve currency, it can withstand the obscene $1.9 trillion “coronavirus relief” blowout without succumbing to hyperinflation. But that was just the beginning

Stately McDaniel Manor - Guns And Liberty, 2021: Part 14

Libertarian Republic - Dear White Liberals: Asians Aren’t Your Pawns

American Thinker - The Democrat Party Has Declared War on America

Again from Battleswarm Blog - Democrats Push “Drive Plastic Manufacturing To China” Act

Flopping Aces - Joe Biden Transforms the Pentagon From a Strong Horse to a Weak Woke Horse, Just When It Counts Most…

Again from The Other McCain - An R-Rated Time Capsule From 1982. Remembering Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Meep at STUMP - Quick-Takes: Mortality Update, Meep's Math Matters, and a Few Bailout Reactions

The Right Scoop - WOW: Lib member of PRESS leaves DEATH threat for Rep who switched from (D) to (R). Oh and PUBLISHED threats as OPEDs!

Raconteur Report - Ant: Yes. Grasshopper: No.

This message brought to you by People Who Thought Everything Would Always Be Fine.

Way Up North - First Day of Spring?

Gulf Coast Commentary - When Trump Conservatives Became National Enemies

200 Proof Liberals - Did Georgetown Violate Its Own Speech Policy by Firing An Adjunct Professor?

Again from Moonbattery - The Root Demonstrates Intensity of Antiwhite Race Hate

Not The Bee - Ratings for this year's Grammy smut show ab-so-lute-ly CRATERED. Check out this carnage.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon - The FedGov Machine

One more time from The Other McCain - The ‘Extremist’ Boomerang

Juvat at Chant du Départ has an update on the post-freeze Texas recovery. Plumbers and Jets and other little things! Should have been last week, but worth it!

The Media Is Mostly Ignoring Gun Sales

And when they can't ignore it, we get stories like this one. Wisconsin, nation see sharp increase in gun sales during tumultuous 2020

Amid a pandemic, racial justice protests that occasionally turned violent, and increases in homicides in American cities, state and federal background-check figures suggest people in Wisconsin and throughout the United States were arming themselves in increasing numbers last year.

After that tepid statement, the spin begins.

They trot out the tired Leftist screed of "all these guns will lead to more crime!" A statement that is hard to square with the difference in gun ownership between say 1991 and 2013 and the resultant DECREASE in violence. That decreasing trend has been the aim of the Left to eliminate, and they seem to be having some sucess the past few years. But things are still not as bad as they were in 1991 or 93.

To finish the story, they have a lot of photos of deer waiting to be processed at various meat-packing plants around Madison, and some photos of the actual processing. I'm not sure why, except that it is probably calculated to upset or disgust the tender sensibilities of folks in Madison, Wisconsin, which is the state capital and home to the largest University in the state. (I least I think it is the largest.)

And that is what passes for Journalism, in 21st Century America.

15 Calls to Police in 1 Year

If you have a violent stalker, you need to do more than call police. St. Paul man who authorities believe killed his ex-girlfriend, harassed her for over a year, according to court records

Unfortunately, this is the kind of story about domestic violence I read too often.

Police were called to Yang’s house 15 times in the past year — five times in July 2020, seven times in February 2021 and twice in March not including Saturday. Many of the calls related to Yang being harassed by Lao.

As for relying on The System™ to protect you, that is a foolish hope.

On Feb. 26, a Ramsey County District Court judge approved Lao’s release with conditions.

On Feb. 27, police said someone from the Montana Avenue address called to report that her ex-boyfriend had called and said “drop the charges” and hung up. An investigator reached out to Yang to offer services related to domestic abuse.

On March 1, Lao posted a $10,000 bond for bail.

Nineteen days later, police returned to Yang’s house to find her dying on her front lawn.

He spent nearly no time in jail. In the end he killed her, and then himself.

And as has been pointed out, the judge will face no consequences for his bone-headed move of releasing this guy. Because he works for the government and you can't hold .gov employees responsible for their actions. That is only for the Little People, like you and me. Judges cannot be held accountable for insanity before the law.

The moral of the story is that if you have a violent stalker, you need a plan for your personal protection that includes more than "Call 911 and wait to be rescued." That plan has been tried by a lot of people, and it doesn't work out well very often.

"Or Else!"

Judge let's violent ex-boyfriend off with a warning. Derbyshire mum brands violent ex’s suspended jail term “disgraceful”

Yeah, that will teach him! Or maybe not.

Nine previous interactions with police did not convince the judge that he should be locked up. Nor the viciousness of the attack.

The judge suspended the sentence, and issued a restraining order. That should do it!

Not only did he attack her, but he broke into a neighbor's home. That also isn't worth anything in the UK.

A Chesterfield magistrate suspended his 18-week jail term for 18 months and imposed a two-year restraining order not to contact Gina or Noah, adding: “This is the last chance saloon.”

If he kills this woman, or the child, or another woman, the judge in question won't have even a bad night, because he is secure in his belief that he took the appropriate action. Idiot.

Whenever I see this kind of thing I am reminded of the following scene from Demolition Man.

Photographs of the 10 Victims in Boulder

First we were told that the shooter was a White Guy. Instead it turns out that he is an Arab Jihadist. Andy Ngô: Photographs of the 10 people killed by suspect Ahmad al-Issa in #Boulder, Colo. I was told a few days ago that the race of victims in shootings matter even if there is no evidence of race playing a role in the attack. - The Donald - America First!

Then they ignore the victims.

From the comments....

If you showed these photos describing them as the cast of a new television show, the media would be up in arms about the lack of diversity and inclusion.

Narratives are hard to support in the 21st Century.

25 March 2021

Color Me Shocked: Democrat Politicos Under Investigation

The only thing that shocks me is that it isn't in Chicago. Federal grand jury investigating Baltimore officials Nick and Marilyn Mosby - The Washington Post

Federal prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby and State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, subpoenaing her campaign and the couple’s business records, according to a grand jury subpoena obtained by the Baltimore Sun.

Business records, campaign records, records of charitable donations.

This kind of thing is fairly common in Chciago. The History of Corruption in Chicago

Hat tip to A View from the Beach: Forget It Jake, It's Baltimore

Welcome to the New Soviet Union

Where questioning The Party (the Left/Democrats/Swamp) is now a crime. Tucker says Michigan AG admits guest arrested for appearing on show: 'It sounds like dictatorship'

The once great state of Michigan...

That’s why, when [Michigan Attorney General, Dana Nessel] was asked why she put Marlena Pavlos-Hackney [a restaurant-owner] in jail, Nessel actually admitted the real reason. She didn’t make up some fake legal principle.

She said straightforwardly that Marlena Pavlos-Hackney had dared to come on this show [Tucker Carlson] at 8:00 PM and complain about her. That’s no longer allowed. To compound the offense, Pavlos-Hackney tried to raise money for her own legal defense. That, too, is now a crime in Dana Nessel’s Michigan.

Here's the video.

Misleading Headlines - Because Unbiased Reporting is a 19th Century Idea

The following headline doesn't tell all of the story, and even distorts the facts. Man allegedly stealing property shot dead by Michigan homeowner, police say

Two people discover a burglary-in-progress at their home and call the police, and they wait outside for police to arrive.

Prior to the troopers arrival, police said both homeowners encountered the suspect outside their home.

One of the homeowners shot the suspect, identified by police as 28-year-old Jeffrey Horton, of Decatur. Horton died at the scene after both the homeowners and police attempted life-saving efforts.

They didn't shoot someone because they were stealing property. They "encountered" a thief on their property. My guess is there was a confrontation, because the homeowners were not arrested.

And self-defense is a human-right.

UK Cop Attacks Woman, On Video - No Prison, No Community Service

You don't think the rule of law applies to Cops, do you? Policeman, 25, who attacked woman, 36, spared jail AND community service | Daily Mail Online

They certainly don't think so.

Banfield was sentenced to a 14-week curfew and ordered to pay his victim £500

Oh, and he has been suspended from his job. Not fired from his job.

Labour MP Harriet Harman said the sentence was 'proof' that the system 'fails women and protects men'.

And in the UK, it mostly does fail.

The judge in question seems to make a habit of letting men who beat up women off with no penalty, or no real penalty.

I Can't Even Pretend to Be Shocked

Miami Beach should just agree to be destroyed. Or something. Beach Lives Matter? Black Leaders Say Miami’s Curfew Is RAAAAACIST!

When I reported Saturday that Miami Beach had imposed an 8 p.m. curfew because of spring break mayhem..., I wondered if anyone else noticed the demographic of the rowdy scene on South Beach.

How dare they want to insist on law and order. Haven't they been paying attention to Portland and Seattle?

EFF and the Lack of Transparency in Government

It is a sad state of affairs. The Foilies 2021: Recognizing the year's worst in government transparency.

This year, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is publishing The Foilies in partnership with MuckRock News, a non-profit dedicated to building a community of cool kids that file Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and local public records requests. For previous year's dubious winners (many of whom are repeat offenders) check out our archive at www.eff.org/issues/foilies.

A few examples.

  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot uses the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse.
  • The CDC is cooking the books on FOIA requests.
  • Niagra County, NY, passed a local law making some disclosures illegal. The law itself was illegal, but stayed on the books for decades, until they got sued.

There is so much more...

24 March 2021

Cops Behaving Stupidly - California Edition

What you don't know about technology can cost you your job. Northern California police officers placed on leave after sending degrading, violent texts

Two police officers in the Northern California town of Eureka have been placed on paid administrative leave while a third-party investigator conducts its review of demeaning and violent messages sent in a private texting group.

Okay, "private texting group" is an oxymoron. But that is a topic for another post.

If you're interested in the details, click thru. Nothing is too surprising, except for the fact that they were stupid enough to attach their names to the insanity via text messages. My guess, regular SMS and MMS messages, which are the very definition of "not secure." I'm sure if they were using Telegram or WhatsApp or something even a little better, that would have been noted. Well, reasonably sure. Reporters know squat about technology, but they do know popular apps.

Wednesday Link Roundup

Pirate's Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  1. Weasel Zippers notes all the 3rd wave lockdown protests in Europe
  2. No Tricks Zone discusses fake hurricane news

Wombat-socho at The Other McCain - In The Mailbox: 03.22.21

Transterrestrial Musings: Dear White Leftists, also, Lori Pulls No Punches
Victory Girls: Kamala Harris Dreams Of National Struggle Sessions, also, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) Leaks Pix Of Detained Border Kids

Freedom Is Just Another Word... - Guns News …

FBI’s Shadow Gun Bans Threaten First and Second Amendment Rights
What good are our Rights when government denies them?
What good is the FBI??

Don Surber - Highlights of the News

ITEM 2: Michael Snyder reported, "The big drug cartels absolutely love fentanyl for a couple of reasons.
"First of all, it is extremely inexpensive to make, and it is very easy to move it long distances.

Daley Gator - Your CCW News Update For Saturday 03/20/21


Universal Spectator - Sunday and Everything’s #Broken…

VIDEO: Sen. Cotton: Biden administration is leaving border ‘wide open’ for illegal migrants
Jim Hoft: Texas Governor Orders Investigation Into Joe Biden’s Filthy, Unsanitary Holding Camp for Migrant Minors After Massive Covid Outbreak

Political Hat - News of the Week (March 21st, 2021)

George Floyd Autonomous Zone Residents: HELP!
Quite the plaintive plea coming from the shining example of abolish-the-police populism in Minneapolis. Surprisingly, the Star Tribune published this cry for help.

Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 03.23.21

Adam Piggott: Searching For Beauty
American Conservative: Modern Monetary Theory For Republicans

Don Surber - Highlights of the News

ITEM 1: Kane at Citizen Free Press reported, "Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is getting a big fat check from Joe Biden’s government."

A View from the Beach - Election 2020: Not Dead Yet

Report: Woke Pentagon Worried Troops View BLM/Antifa and Capitol Hill Riots Equally. Quick! Pile on more propaganda! Make them take two weeks of anti-Republican brainwashing!

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 3/21/2021

Bombshell: Moderna Chief Medical Officer Admits mRNA Alters DNA
Several prominent physicians, doctors, Sons of Liberty Media Health and Wellness expert Kate Shemirani, her colleague Dr. Kevin Corbet...

Vlad Tepes - Geopolitics and the leftward moving continuum data points: Links 2, March 23, 2021

1. Man arrested in stabbing of eight people not named, in stark contrast to the man named who shot sex workers for reasons unrelated to race, who was named at first opportunity.

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: ICE spending $86 million on hotels to hold growing number of migrant families

The Border Crisis Has Come to My Town; Yours May Be Next: Mark Davis
Border Photographer Sounds the Alarm on Biden's Insane Media Blackout: Beth Baumann
Becerra’s Confirmation Underscores the Senate GOP’s Uselessness: Deion A. Kathawa

Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report - 3/22/21 [J.J. Sefton]

"Make no mistake, "Veep Throat" Kamala Harris is a woke authoritarian. And she's likely to be president sooner rather than later."
President Cackle

Maggie's Farm - Monday morning links

Yang: You Know Why We Can’t Get The Schools Open, Right?
Democrats’ bid to turn screws on New York’s richest
De Blasio’s pathetic school reopenings fail the parent test

I leave you with Sunday Funnies, 03-21-21 from Stately McDaniel Manor, Fucking Mondays gifdump from Knuckledraggin My Life Away, Happy Funday Morning All and Happy Funday Afternoon All from Woodsterman, and Sunday Memes … from Freedom Is Just Another Word…

Good Guys 1, Bad Guys 0

Homeowners in rural areas can be more hazardous to the bad guys than the cops. Police pursuit ends with homeowner shooting suspect

A car chase, followed by a foot chase into a "wooded area." That is where the miscreant encountered a law-abiding citizen.

"Inside of an outbuilding. He was engaged with the individual and one shot was fired. The individual was shot, the suspect, was shot," said Commander Michael Grzegorek, St. Joseph County Metro Homicide Unit.

"The county officers here were told by dispatch that he was supposed to be armed," said Grzegorek.

No matter how you score it, the good guys win.

Cuomo Was Apparently Acting Like a 14-year-old During His Time in Albany

Cuomo clearly believed that no rules applied to him. "He called us mingle mamas": Cuomo aide, Alyssa McGrath, alleges sexual harassment.

Alyssa McGrath was called into Cuomo's office to take dictation. Do people still do that today?

[McGrath] told the newspaper that she was nervous, having never taken dictation alone with him before.

“I put my head down waiting for him to start speaking, and he didn’t start speaking,” she recalled. “So I looked up to see what was going on. And he was blatantly looking down my shirt.”

What. An. Idiot. [Insert Hermione Granger guote here.]

Personal Jesus

The original version of this song is by Depeche Mode. It appeared on their album Violator from 1989.

I'm not sure why I like this version. The original version is one of my favorite songs by Depeche Mode.

This is "Personal Jesus" as covered by Johnny Cash. It appeared on his 2002 album American IV: The Man Comes Around.

Terror Will Never Be Mentioned

Because they have a narrative to support. Boulder Shooting Suspect Ahmad Al-Issa Posted Anti-Trump Messages.

Ahmad Al-Issa’s purported Facebook page, which has now been removed, included a lot of anti-Trump messaging, as well as pro-Islam messages.

He also appeared to be a reader of PBS, The Intercept, and The Washington Post.

And just like that the topic of "mental illness" comes up.

23 March 2021

Lone Star Parson Musical Interlude

Monday Night Juke Box

There is "Holiday" by the Scorpions from the 1979 album Lovedrive, and (my favorite) "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)" by the Eurythmics from the 1983 album Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This).

There is also "One Step De Lacassine" by Nathan Abshire & The Rayne-Bo Ramblers, as a clip from a 1935 movie. I'm afraid I don't care for it, but you don't have to like everything.

Why Invest In Technology You Are Going to Ignore?

Your tax dollars, not at work. Domestic violence in Chicago: few arrests for Bischof Law violations though thousands violate safety zones for victims - Chicago Sun-Times

GPS tech notifies Chicago PD if a domestic abuser violates a restraing order. They do a "wellness check" on the victim, and little else.

Even if they catch someone violating the GPS restrictions, officers generally won’t make an arrest unless there is a crime involved such as a battery, police sources say.

Because keeping violent offenders in jail is not fair. Or something.

Self-defense Is Legal in Colorado

Though clearly the Prosecutor is not happy about that. No charges for teen who shot stepfather during domestic dispute - KRDO

A homicide investigation revealed Rodriguez-Ramirez was drunk and slamming his step-sons head onto concrete. That's when Montoya shot and killed him.

Despite that, it took from September to March for the DA to make that self-defense pronouncement. Why? Because DAs HATE self-defense.

Still, self-defense is a human-right.

He Suffered a Failure of the Victim-selection Process

It seems that Colorado is not quite New Jersey, yet. Suspected Intruder Shot, Killed By Denver Homeowner

Denver police say a homeowner shot and killed a suspected intruder Saturday night.

The guy who got shot died at a local hospital.

In the state of Colorado, homeowners have the right to defend their home and themselves from an intruder under what is known as the “Make My Day” law.

And self-defense is a human-right.

“Are you dumb?”

I will let you form your own opinion on the answer to that question. Another Routine Traffic Stop Turns Violent, Leading to Arrest of Armed Fugitive Wanted for Murder | FlaglerLive

A traffic stop, for doing 63 in a 50MPH zone, resulted in the passenger of the vehicle trying to draw a weapon on officers. He was tased, disarmed and arrested.

The two deputies were attempting to control Shaquan–who appeared to them to be repeatedly reaching for his waistband, where a 9mm TP9 handgun would be found later, according to Rainey’s report–when a third deputy approached and after warning him, tased Shaquan in stun mode “three or four times,” bringing him under control.

“This is what you’re trying to do–are you dumb?” Rainey yells, disbelieving, when the gun is found on him moments later. The gun was loaded. Shaquan told deputies he was not trying to resist–only trying to hand them the gun.

There is bodycam video from Flaggler County Florida Sheriff's Office at the link above, or you can find it at this link. (Audio starts at 30 seconds in.) The video is just shy of 12 minutes that shows the interaction.

If he had managed to draw the gun, my guess is that there's a pretty good chance he would have been shot, in which case the riots, and hastags, and 24/7 news outrage would have been released.

Why can't bad guys drive the speed limit? I suppose that they are too cool or something.

The driver was let off with a speeding ticket, because he wasn't acting like a fool.