21 March 2025

NY Times - They Lied to Us!

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air isn't buying what the NY Times is selling about COVID 'We Were Badly Misled' About COVID Origin, Says ...

Were they 'misled'? Or did they lead the charge against anyone who dared question the consensus?

Now that the cat has come out of the bag, suddenly the New York Times feels the need to get out in front of the backlash. For years, the NYT ran story after story, scathing column after column, about anyone who dared to challenge The Science®. How dare people suggest that a novel coronavirus might have emerged from the nearby lab being run under questionable practices doing exactly the kind of research intended to produce novel coronaviruses! Those dissenters were all raaaaaacists, remember?

Ed Morrissey remembers, and now that the NYT is trying to get out from under their share of the blame he isn't having it.

Ahem. "Has since emerged" is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting here. As early as April 2020, those "terrifyingly lax" protocols had already come to light. We also knew at that same time that the State Department had flagged the Wuhan Institute of Virology for violating safety protocols required for the kind of gain-of-function research it was conducting as far back as 2018. We also knew that The Science® still had zero evidence for a natural zoonotic leap to humans to explain the outbreak epicentered in the same town as the lab:

You only think that you hate mainstream journalists enough. You don't hate them nearly as much as they deserve.

Go read the whole thing. (Hat tip to Instapundit.)

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