20 March 2025

Disney Live-Action Remakes Are a Mistake

Another Disney Live Action remake of a beloved classic movie. Snow White based on the original Disney animated feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has been produced. It is scheduled to come out March 21st, which means the "previews" will start this evening. With any luck this will bomb so hard that we don't get any more of these.

To "celebrate" this release, let's look at a portion of an interview with Chris Gore of Film Threat from a few years ago. It is an interview that he did with Film Courage. It touched on the topic of Disney Animation-to-Live-Action remakes.

I despise these films with every fiber of my being.

Okay Chris, tell us what you really think. The Worst Movies Of Our Time - Chris Gore from 2022.

I don't love anything about Disney live action remakes. I think these are the worst films of our time, that represent everything wrong with factory filmmaking, and studio executives and lawyers deciding they need to make a movie to somehow preserve the intellectual property. The Disney live action remakes, with the exception of a few, I would say the Jungle Book by John Favreau, but almost all of them have been incredibly unwatchable.

The video is a 10 minute excerpt of a much longer video Chris Gore did with Film Courage.

If you like movies, and have an interest in the business and art that is movie making, Film Threat is an interesting YouTube channel and also the website is worth looking at from time to time. Chris Gore has been covering independent film, and mainstream film, since the 1980s. He even wrote a book on surviving the movie festival circuit. He has made a number of films and he distributed independent films for a while.

Film Courage is an interview program, usually long interviews, on YouTube, that interviews people in, or associated with, the movie industry. Screenwriters, directors, etc. I don't remember seeing any actors, but it may be that I'm just not interested in what actors have to say.

1 comment:

  1. Must watch SNL parody of Disney live action remakes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFJz2IMUeDE


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