21 March 2025

Is Your Car, or Anything Inside Your Car, Worth Getting Shot?

If so, maybe you should consider a more secure parking place. Homeowner shot during attempted vehicle burglary, police investigate - MyParisTexas

A Paris man is recovering in a Dallas area hospital after he was shot while confronting a suspect attempting to break into vehicles on FM 905 shortly after 3 a.m. on Tuesday.

Paris, Texas is roughly a 100 mile drive northeast of Dallas.

Police were one their way to the area in response to another car break-in, when they got the call about the shooting.

Upon arrival, the homeowner stated that he heard noises outside, went to investigate, and was confronted by a suspect breaking into his vehicle, which was parked in the driveway,

The homeowner confronted the suspect, who shot him and fled the scene in a dark-colored car.

Now even if you assume that he was armed, this did take place in Texas, after all, confronting criminals in 2025 is almost guaranteed to mean that you are confronting armed criminals. While he did "scare them off," he might have been able to do that by turning on a couple of spot lights, from inside the safety of his home. No license plate - even if you assume that the car wasn't stolen - and not a great description, unless the Professional Journalist™ didn't the need to pass those details along.

So what exactly was accomplished?

I would be sad, and mad, if someone stole my vehicle, but I don't keep anything in it that is a valuable. (Jumper cables, a window scraper, a pair of gloves, and an old winter coat, etc.) And if I was going to "confront someone," I would certainly do it from a place of cover, though I probably wouldn't confront the person. (I keep meaning to install a security camera with a microphone and speaker so that I could "confront" them from safety; it is on the to-do list.)

Risk versus reward. Cost versus benefit. The guy who got shot is apparently going to be OK, but that is as much blind luck as anything else. He could have been shot in the heart, or the head, or bled to death. So, what is your car worth?

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