John Richardson of Only Guns and Money has some thoughts a letter that went out from the NRA to the current board. Letter On Electioneering. Also, vote Yes on Amending the Certificate of Incorporation.
That said, it could be aimed at the reform slate for daring to call the old guard or Wayne’s enablers the “cabal” and urging voters not to vote for them. Conversely, it could be aimed at the troll named “Seth Haan” who I called out for his attack on Jeff Knox.
I will say that I’ve tried to be objective in my push for the reform slate which includes me. Likewise, it is my considered opinion that there are some running to keep their Board seats whose past behavior makes them unworthy of your vote and I stand by that.
If you're a member you might be interested in the letter, and more thoughts form Mr. Richardson, including a link to the slate of reform members, which does include some current members of the board.
Here are thoughts on the Proposal to Amend the Certificate of Incorporation. Vote YES On NRA Incorporation Amendment
The tl;dr version is that New York State revised the law that governs the NRA Corporation. This adjusts in response to that.
The Board of Directors voted to recommend the amendment as it brings the NRA federal and New York State statuses into agreement.
Makes you wonder why it took 10 years for the lawyers to notice this.
If you're a member you should have gotten the ballot in you February magazine, or separately if you don't get a physical magazine delivered.
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