The idea that all change is for the better is insane. Changes in the tech that we use, that we don't want, and don't need, and never asked for, because programmers, and programming managers, need to validate their existence.
I've been struggling with a set of changes made over at WordPress, that I hate, and don't have time to dive into right now. So it was interesting to see Bill Maher bitching about the same thing.
This is Bill Maher's video from Real Time: New Rule: Newer, Not Better
Reverse Improvement
The video is 9 minutes.
The incident I'm dealing with over at WordPress is that they finally deleted their classic editor. I knew this was coming. I'm actually surprised that they supported the classic editor as long as they did. I wanted to update the URL for video on the old blog, because the link was broken. Their new editor saw a YouTube URL and said to itself, "I know what you're really trying to do!" and replaced the entire post with an embed of the video in question. (WP developers, if any of you ever read this, that isn't what I want to do, ever.) I'm sure there is a way I can tell it go F-itself and let me edit the damn link, but I don't have the time, or the patience to look into it right now.
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