12 February 2025

Kilauea Eruption on 11 February

Nature is amazing. Awesome is an appropriate word in this case.

This is Episode 9 of the episodic eruption in Halema'uma'u crater. Halema'uma'u is a crater inside the main crater of the Kilauea volcano. The current eruption began 23 December 2024.

The video mentions vog. Vog is volcanic smog, or a hazy air pollution caused by the eruptions. It is primarily water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas. Vog can also contain fine particles. It can be both irritating and cause health problems.

The video also mentions tilt as measured in radians, or more precisely, in microradians. 2π radians are equal to 360 degrees. I have no idea if you studied radians in school; it probably depends on your age, and what you studied, but polar coordinates are more useful than Cartesian coordinates for most things in science.

Kilauea Volcano Eruption Update: Episode 9 (February 11, 2025)

Here is an NBC news article on the eruption. Kilauea is shooting lava again. It is the Hawaii volcano's latest activity in an on-and-off eruption.

Kilauea, one of the world's most active volcanoes, has been erupting on and off for nearly two months since it burst to life on Dec. 23. The eruption has been taking place at the the volcano's summit crater inside Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. No residential areas have been threatened by lava.

The latest release of molten rock began 10:16 a.m. with lava flowing on to the floor of Halemaumau Crater. A half-hour later, a vent shot lava about 330 feet high.

330 feet is 100 meters. I really wish Americans would get on board with the metric system.

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