15 October 2024

Use the Weapon You Have Available

That weapon won't always be a firearm. Suspect shot with crossbow during home invasion in Monroe County

Two guys decided it would be a good idea to break into a home of someone they knew, and had some kind of beef with. There was a "prior altercation" in official parlance.

So how would you deal with uninvited guests at 3:30 AM?

[Deputies] say two suspects broke into the home that had two residents inside.

Deputies say that one of the suspects had been shot with a crossbow by a resident of the home.

Frenchtown Township, in Monroe County, Michigan is about half way between Detroit, and Toledo, Ohio.

Deputies arrived, and took the guy with the crossbow bolt embedded in him into custody, and then he was taken to the hospital, for surgery. The guy who didn't get shot with a crossbow, was arrested.

Based on the terms used, "Home Invasion" being how this whole thing was described, it sounds like police are treating it like self-defense. That conclusion is also reinforced by who got arrested. Still, cops don't make those decisions. Charges are determined by prosecutors.

Still, Michigan as developed a fairly good record of respecting your legal right to self-defense.

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