15 October 2024

Germany - Use Towels to Defend Against Machetes

This is sad. From Stephen Green at PJ Media: Oh, SNAP! Germany Has a New Way to Defend Yourself Against Machete-Wielding Migrants

Germany has a little problem with the totally grateful Muslim migrants that Berlin's elites have allowed into the country, where they show their gratitude by stabbing Germans. But don't worry because one German doctor has just the thing to deal with a knife attack, and no, it isn't stitches.

Before we get to that, the most recent case to make the news happened less than two weeks ago, when a Syrian "migrant" wounded 31 people, including two children, in an arson attack. He could also be seen carrying an impressive-looking machete.

And it isn't a joke. Use a "towel snapping technique" to defend against machete.

The towel-snapping technique is 100% guaranteed to almost work, provided your attacker is a frightened woman with a fake knife who doesn't really want to cut you. Also, you have to carry a towel with you everywhere.

Europe is finished. Click thru for more details.

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