15 October 2024

Tuesday Links - 15 October

Tam at Cars Gone By starts things off with some photos. 1956 Chevrolet 210

Few cars are as iconic as the classic "Tri-Five" Chevies, the full-size models from Chevrolet in '55, '56, '57. While the Bel Air, especially in its 1957 coupe form, gets all the ink, the 150 and 210 were the most numerous.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 11 October 2024: Dank And Stary Night Edition

Maybe when the DOJ's antitrust team has finished beating up Google it could take a look at Adobe. Adobe no longer offers perpetual licenses for its low-end Elements products. (Notebook Check)

You can "buy" the 2025 editions right now, but the software will drop dead three years after it is installed.

Wombat-socho - FMJRA 2.0: Annual Admiral Of The Ocean Sea Appreciation Post

It’s two! Two!! TWO!!! awesome posts in one! Since it is the actual Columbus Day (as opposed to the fake & gay Federal Columbus Day on Monday) today we’ll not only celebrate the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus (and link to some excellent books on the topic, previously covered here) but also do the usual FMJRA stuff.

Matt Margolis at PJ Media - J.D. Vance Destroys ABC News Anchor for Downplaying Immigrant Gang Violence

Raddatz, clearly uncomfortable with Vance’s pointed critiques, attempted to steer the conversation back, stating that “the mayor did not seem [to think] they were invading the entire city.”

That’s when Vance landed the final blow, sarcastically quipping, “A few apartment complexes. No big deal.”

SiGraybeard - Wow... Just Wow... Again!

Starship Flight Test 5. This went beyond Wow, all the way to "Holy Crap!" It's beyond testing a couple of things, and as far as I can tell, it met every objective. I was here to watch this and watched the whole coverage that SpaceX linked to on X. Full screen, 1080p video for just about all of it.

Miguel Gonzalez - Ballistic Group Therapy and some rest

I was privileged to attend the 9th Annual East Tennessee Blogshoot ran by David Brena Bock and Michael Farnette. It was great to finally meet in the flesh people I have been interacting online for over a decade in a half such as the original “Masshole” (His appellative, not mine) Jay Grazio, Weer and Mal among many others.

Splendid Isolation - Failed Landmark

To call the Chrysler a “gem” is to do the building a great injustice. Alone among all the skyscrapers in New York, it’s a building worth saving because its beauty makes it truly a work of art rather than just another grubby office building.

The problem with a building — any building, no matter how well constructed or of what durable materials it was built — is that it needs constant care and refurbishment, which clearly has been neglected by this lovely structure’s various owners over the decades. And to be frank, all of them need to be whipped at the post.

Vox Populi - Not QUITE Nothing. On the situation in Aurora, Colorado.

In fairness, the government didn’t do nothing. It did call them liars and falsely declared that there were no Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, that if there were any gangs there, they hadn’t taken over any apartment complexes, and if they had taken over any apartment complexes, they had paid for them and were running them as legitimate landlords.

Granite Grok - Democrats are Pushing Abortion Extremism

Despite these modest protections, the Democrats continue to push reckless accusations that our law is extreme. The fact is, the majority of voters in New Hampshire, like voters across the country, favor some restrictions on the forcible termination of a preborn child’s life. In fact, more recent polls in the state show that number to be 60 to 70%.

OldAFSarge at Chant du Départ - John Blackshoe Sends: Serendipity History – Sailors and Ships in the Age of Sail (Part 3 of 3)

So, at life’s end, if asked what he did with his life, I am sure Commander Turner would have proudly told anyone willing to listen:
I was a sailor, and you should have seen us on the Garthsnaid. And this is no shit¹. Coming out of Chile, bound for Mozambique in 1920. It was blowing Beaufort force 9 or 10, and we sent men aloft to gasket the fores’l. And, I like a damn fool, decided to take my new camera out to the tip of the bowsprit to take a photo. I got the photo, and luckily lived to tell about it. Here’s the proof:

Adaptive Curmudgeon - WYBDR: Pics Or It Didn’t Happen. That is Wyoming Backcountry Discovery Route.

Photos from my trip (in no particular order).

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