10 October 2024

Don't Like the Swill Produced by Hollywood? Then You're a Bad Person (Part 3)

Hollywood can't get out of its own way.

Star Wars: The Acolyte was the least watched Disney Star Wars show ever on Disney+. The cast, the crew, the legacy media, and a whole bunch of "progressive" folks on Twitter/X have been melting down. Their position is apparently that Disney should ignore the reality that NO ONE, almost no one, watched this thing. A few die hard fans started the show, but the writing was subpar, the pacing was off, and the lesbian, space witches in episode 3 pushed the whole franchise over the edge. No one, well almost no one, watched the rest of the season.

And so, like any rational business, Disney decided not to set another pile of cash on fire.

Tens of thousands of fans of The Acolyte took to Twitter/X to demand that Disney renew the show. Why? Because it embodied all of the things the "modern audience" wants. Strong women, weak men, a lack of good versus evil, lesbian relationships, etc. But tens of thousands of fans are not enough to support a show with the budget of the kind Disney routinely spends on Star Wars and Marvel.

Some people have said that the Modern Audience™ is like Bigfoot; a lot of people talk about it, but no one has ever been able to document its existence. In other videos, Ryan Kinel has said that the Modern Audience™ actually did show up to support/watch this show. The problem is that audience is VERY small.

Why do I talk about popular culture? Because politics IS downstream of culture, including pop culture. The Right has been to serious to pay attention to pop culture. It is only comic books or manga. It is only movies and TV. It is only anime. If people on the Right notice it at all it is to denounce it without bothering to even try to understand it. So the Left is in control of pop culture, and now the Right is shocked to discover that the county's politics is headed for disaster. And that doesn't even include the Right's abandonment of education to the Left. How's that working out?

In what follows, several people are mentioned, but the star of this particular drama is Jodi Turner-Smith. She is the actress who played the leader of the coven of lesbian, space witches (yes, that was a thing) in Star Wars: The Acolyte. The main complaint? Somebody is saying something mean on the internet. I wonder how she would have responded to the flame wars that raged on the old bulletin board systems.

This is Ryan Kinel's video from Monday, The Acolyte Actress SLAMS Star Wars Fans And Disney After PATHETIC Woke Failure. It is a 9 minute video, which is long by Ryan's standards.

Ryan is not the only person talking about this, of course. Here is Eric July's video from Tuesday, on the same topic. (One of them anyway.) The point of no return... It is also about 9 minutes.

The funny thing about all of this, is that if people in Hollywood would just shut up about it, this story would go away. But they can't shut up. How DARE you not like their project. It can't be becasue they suck at their job. No. It MUST be your fault.

The first post on this topic is at this link: Don't Like the Swill Produced by Hollywood? Then You're a Bad Person (Hollywood Says So!)

The second post is at this link: Don't Like the Swill Produced by Hollywood? Then You're a Bad Person (Part 2)

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