07 October 2024

Don't Like the Swill Produced by Hollywood? Then You're a Bad Person (Part 2)

Yesterday I had a long post on how Hollywood's refusal to take care of the intellectual properties, that they spent 10s and 100s of millions, or even BILLIONS, of dollars to acquire, and Hollywood's insistence that the reason no one likes most of the stuff they are creating is anyone's fault but their own.

You can find yesterday's post at this link: Don't Like the Swill Produced by Hollywood? Then You're a Bad Person (Hollywood Says So!)

Don't like a show with a "person of color" in the cast, crew, or writing team? You're racist. You can't talk about the quality of acting, production, writing; it was written by a person of color, so it is immune to all criticism. Don't like a show that includes women in any roll? Sexist/Misogynist. Rinse. Repeat. You are an -ist or a -phobe.

This video is an excerpt from Friday Night Tights (#FNT). Hail the Fellowship! It is a 30 minute video, but FNT is several hours. (Long-form content rules on YouTube and Rumble) They discuss the "Our show failed because of Toxic Fans!" insanity coming out of Hollywood these days. Pay attention to the contradictions. "These toxic fans are a small minority, but they are somehow destroying our ability to produce this swill." Hey, Hollywood. You can't have it both ways. Either hardcore fans are a small minority of voices that can and should be ignored, or they hold the power to create or destroy your franchises, and your jobs. Pick one.

Gary "Nerdrotic" Buechler brings up the fact, in relation to Star Trek, that the tiny minority of committed fans saved that franchise from destruction, after the idiots in Hollywood canceled the original series, which they had always refused to fund properly. Those fans gave the series a life in syndication, and by way of conventions, that spawned, new movies, new series, video games, and books. Then the woke scolds got hold of it, and drove it into the ground. Did anyone watch the final season of Star Trek: Discovery? That show was better known as STD.

There are a lot of F-bombs in these all these videos, so probably not safe for work.

This is the Nerdrotic Daily video HERE WE GO AGAIN! Toxic Fandom Blamed For Star Wars DOWNFALL... THEY ARE CLUELESS!

I'm not the first person to say this, but it is worth repeating.. a lot.

Politics is downstream of culture. Pop culture is made up of Music, Movies, TV, Comic Books and Manga, Anime, and gaming. The Right abandoned most of that to the Left. (They also abandoned other things, like Education.) Now they are shocked to discover that they don't recognize the culture, state-run education has devolved into communist indoctrination, and the politics are heading for disaster. Good job conservatives! You are serious people, who are much too busy to pay attention to anything as unimportant as any of this stuff, you have conserved nothing. If you do recognize it, you call it depraved or satanic, or whatever.

Politicians on both sides have always pushed for control. Libertarians have always pushed for liberty. Here are a couple of examples that was spearheaded by the Democrats in the person of Al Gore and his senate committee on the content of Rock music.

First is a discussion from 1986, in which Frank Zappa appeared on the show Crossfire. This was after Frank Zappa, John Denver, and Dee Snider testified in front of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee on "the subject of the content of certain sound recordings and suggestions that recording packages be labeled to provide a warning to prospective purchasers of sexually explicit or other potentially offensive content."

And the appearance of Dee Snider, at the height of Twisted Sister, at in front of that senate committee in 1985 is classic. I especially love the part where he calls out Tipper Gore.

It is interesting to note that the government has been working on censorship for so long.

And if you have any interest, Friday Night Tights from the 4th can be found at the following link: Joker 2 is Pointless, TOXIC Fandom Strikes Again! Rings of Power - Friday Night Tights 322 w/ Fringy. It is nearly 5 hours, though "only" the first 2 and a half hours are interesting, at least to my way of thinking.

The panel on Friday included:

  • Gary "Nerdrotic
  • Disparu - from the UK
  • Shad M. Brooks of Knights Watch - from Australia
  • 1/4 Black Garret
  • Chrissie Mayr
  • Xray Girl - from Canada (she's the producer of the show)
  • Ryan Kinnel of RK Outpost (left early)
  • Comix Division (Ian K.)
  • Jeremy of Geeks & Gamers (who arrived late)

With special guest Fringy, who I believe is also from Australia.

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