17 September 2024

Tuesday Links - 17 September

The Other McCain starts us off with Kamala Is Underperforming

Keep that word in mind — “underperforming” — as you contemplate the fact that Kamala Harris is campaigning in Pennsylvania, a state that Joe Biden (allegedly) won by more than 80,000 votes in 2020.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 14 September 2024: Mermaids R Us Edition

OpenAI's new AI o1 is like having an autistic nine-year-old as a personal assistant with all of the expense and none of the comic moments. (Tech Crunch)

Ask it if you need to rent an AirBNB for Thanksgiving to provide more oven space, and rather than telling you that you're an idiot and that you can buy benchtop ovens from Walmart starting at $50, it does the analysis and comes up with a painfully detailed list of pros and cons, all of which you already know.

Impro Guns - Expedient machine pistol (Brazil)

Spotted among various homemade weapons confiscated in November last year.

Standing By - Communist "Unhumans"

Perhaps we should unwrap this word "unhuman" first. I have noted in the past that one cannot be a Christian and also "woke" because being woke requires the denial of God given reality. By "God given" I mean both scientifically observable facts and belief in those things that can be reasonably derived from Biblical teachings. Things like the fact of two genders and the fact of birth at conception. In the same way, one cannot be a Christian and be a Marxist/Communist/Socialist/Fascist or even a Progressive, for these world views also deny God given realities. This clash of world views was what drove Bella Dodd, for example to leave Communism and return to Christianity.

Again from The Other McCain - ‘I Wouldn’t Call Him Crazy’

Routh was bonkers, berserk, daft, demented, deranged, wacky, off his rocker, non compos mentis, nuttier than squirrel farts, a few fries short of a Happy Meal and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Which is to say, he was a typical Joe Biden voter. “Stochastic terrorism,” they call it, when hateful rhetoric is used to incite crazy people to violence. Somehow, the media have decided that Trump is to blame because (a) the media are utterly lacking in self-awareness and (b) they blame Trump for everything.

Twitchy - Government Thinks You're Stupid: TOTES Legit Anti-Haitian KKK Flyer Is Definitely Not a Fed Trap

They promise to 'stand against forced immigration' and if the flyer doesn't convince you that this is totally a fed operation, then calling the number of the form definitely will.

Wombat-socho - FMJRA 2.0: The Beatings Will Continue Until The Season Concludes

Top linkers for the week ending September 13:

  1.  EBL (12)
  2.  357 Magnum (11)
  3.  A View From The Beach (9)

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