17 September 2024

Self-Defense Is Illegal In Massachusetts

Are we shocked that a liberal city would arrest and charge a pro-Israel man for defending himself from a terrorist-supporting man? In Massachusetts, self-defense is off limits | Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

Scott Hayes, an Iraq War Veteran was attacked on Thursday evening by Caleb Gannon, a terrorist supporter, while Hayes was peacefully attending a rally. A long-standing ally and friend to the Jewish community, Hayes attended a pro-Israel rally in Newton, Massachusetts on Thursday evening where participants were holding American and Israeli flags.

While standing on the street, he was attacked by Gannon, who is seen on video charging at him from across the street before attacking him.

At one point, Gannon had his arms around Hayes’ neck choking him. Hayes, in self-defense, allegedly shot Gannon with a legal weapon. Hayes has been arrested and charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon as well as violation of a constitutional right, causing injury.

A bigger miscarriage of justice I cannot imagine.

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