09 September 2024


I love learning about new music. And as a benefit, this is a new-to-me band.

Ad Ininitum is a Symphonic Metal band out Montreux, Switzerland. (Don't worry, English Lyrics). They were referenced in a YouTube video about harsh vocals, because the lead singer, Melissa Bonny sings in both a beautiful mezzo-soprano, and on occassion does harsh vocals. It is an interesting mix, though I know some people hate it. (Mostly because it isn't what they listened to in high school.)

This song is "Surrender" by Ad Infinitum from their upcoming album Abyss. The song was released to YouTube on August 29th, and the album is due out in October of this year.

1 comment:

  1. I am just fine with a mix of the harsh and beautiful vocals, after all I love Epica's music. When it is all growling, I find it boring.


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