10 September 2024

Crime Rates - Reported v Actual, and Policing

Rick Moran at PJ Media: Is Crime Rising or Falling? It May Be Falling Arrest Rates that Have People Worried

The arrest rate for murder is down 37%. The arrest rate for rape is down 58%. The arrest rate for robbery is down 50%.

The reported crime stats come from the FBI, and what used to be called the Uniform Crime Report. Except it isn't so uniform anymore.

Secondly, only about half of police departments report crimes to the FBI database.

Some of the cities that don't report to the FBI are the worst. Last time I checked Chicago did not report to the FBI, which is why the only stats on Chicago worth mentioning come from HeyJackass! For homicide, those stats come from the coroner's office.

Are we shocked that Chicago doesn't report on crime? They won't let officers pursue suspects on foot, let alone in cars.

Anyway the story linked above goes on to detail how Oakland, California, keeps promising rewards, via Crime Stoppers, but hasn't paid any rewards since 2021. They have no money.

The city hasn't paid a tipster since 2021 and yet, they've offered rewards in seven cases. What's worse, is the cops have known about the banking problems and keep offering rewards anyway.

“It was just kind of disappointing, how police and public servants treat their citizens,” the tipster said.

Read the whole thing.

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