09 September 2024

Your Crazy Doesn't Trump My Right to Self-Defense

As The Other McCain points out, on a regular basis, crazy people are dangerous. Man killed in apparent self-defense shooting in Daviess County - here's what police said

He showed up at a home, armed, and started arguing with the homeowner.

When Goble [the homeowner] said he noticed Wilson [the argumentative guy] was pointing a gun at home, Gobile fired his weapon twice at Wilson. Wilson got back into his vehicle but later died due to his injuries.

Wilson was identified as someone with "mental health issues."

Daviess County, Indiana, is roughly 65 miles southwest of Indianapolis, and 65 miles west-northwest of Lexington, Kentucky.

Now you could say a lot about the way we do, or more often don't, treat mental illness. But back in the '70s after One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest because a hit movie, the powers that be decided to get rid of mental institutions. And so there are a lot of crazy people running around. When they pose a danger, you have the right to defend yourself.

The cops have not arrested anyone, but they don't make determinations about charges. Ultimately the DA's office makes that decision. That said, if they thought the homeowner was guilty of something, the cops probably would have charged him with something.

Self-defense is a human-right, and it appears to be your legal right in Indiana. (Hat tip to USA Carry)

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