22 September 2024

Democrat Threatens SCOTUS Justices

From Hannah Nightingale at the The Post Millennial: Democrat donor from Alaska charged with threatening to assassinate 6 Supreme Court justices

Another supporter of ActBlue.

Panos Anastasiou, 76, has been accused of sending over 465 messages through an online portal to the Supreme Court between March 10, 2023 and July 16, 2024. Beginning on January 4, 2024, Anastasiou "began sending messages intended to threaten harm and convey threats of harm towards Supreme Court Justices 1- 6 and Family Members 1 and 2," a court filing stated. He had also donated to Democrat fundraising platform, ActBlue, dozens of times, totaling over $700.

But remember what "your betters" in the press say - Republicans are the real threat.

In a press release, Attorney General Merrick Garland said, "We allege that the defendant made repeated, heinous threats to murder and torture Supreme Court Justices and their families to retaliate against them for decisions he disagreed with. Our justice system depends on the ability of judges to make their decisions based on the law, and not on fear.

Of course he really wants decisions based on politics, but he can't say that out loud.

Click thru. Hat tip to Andy Ngo.

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