21 September 2024

Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups - 21 September

Wombat-socho starts us off with In The Mailbox: 09.18.24 (Morning Edition)

Don Surber: Musk 1, Eurocrat 0
Glenn Reynolds: Juries, Prosecutors, & The Rule Of Law

Animal Magnetism - Animal’s Hump Day News

Harris won’t stop dodging questions. She can’t. Every answer reveals her incompetence.
This is a hell of a good idea.

EBL - An Important Message From Democrat Gavin Newsom

Gavin Newsom approves this message and endorses Kamala Harris!
Instapundit: An important message from Gavin Newsom:

The Right Way - Top of the News

What Alleged Trump Shooter Advocated In Rambling Manifesto - Bongino Report
Climanut St. Greta, Named Jew Hater Of The Week - The Pirates Cove

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 19 September 2024: Dorayaki Derangement Edition

Twitter is using Cloudflare to provide service in Brazil. (The Guardian)
Cloudflare handles something like a quarter of the web traffic in the world, so blocking Cloudflare would cause complete chaos for Brazil's internet users.

Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 09.19.24 (Afternoon Edition)

Vox Popoli: Douhet Wept, The Extreme Elderly Don’t Exist, Pager Terror Attacks, Shots Fired, and Loomer or Lunatic?
Ammo.com: Gun Laws v. Crime Rates

Tam at View From The Porch - Tab Clearing...

Chris Arnade walks the Faroe Islands.
The Throwing Madonna.

DaleyGator at If You are Left you ain't Right - WEEKEND LINKY LOVE

Irons in the Fire talks Kamalas hatred of your rights
Ceder Q reminds what NOT to put in grits

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - Border Chief Told To Shut Up about Special Interest Aliens

Mary Chastain at LI, Ex-Border Chief: Biden Admin Told Him to Cover Up Terror Encounters, Arrests. “The administration was trying to convince the public that there was no threat at the border.”

Wombat-socho again - In The Mailbox: 9.20.24 (Afternoon Edition)

Director Blue: A Few Thoughts On Operation Grim Beeper
EBL: An Important Message From Democrat Gavin Newsom, also, “So, I grew up in a middle class family…”

Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog - LinkSwarm For September 20, 2024

“Oregon DMV admits that they’ve registered hundreds of illegal immigrants to vote since 2021.”
“PA Supreme Court rules that misdated ballots must not be counted.”

Flopping Aces - The Week in Radical Leftism – The Nation Edition!

American Hell-egy – “Trump’s VP pick, J.D. Vance, is the perfect soulless vessel for the future of the MAGA-fied Republican Party.”
yes, the horrible future for the Bushes, McCains, Cheneys, Romneys…

Vlad Tepes - RFK with Charlie Kirk, heart attack deaths 2X as likely in the jabbed, Robert Spencer on the Nazis and the left, and Israel related materials: Links 2 for September 19, 2024

5. Alex Berenson: Risk to people of death from heart attack, dramatically higher if jabbed with Covid mRNA

Small Dead Animals - Thursday On Turtle Island

Comrade Kamala’s America: Harris in 2018. A new Trump song. What did John Brennan know?
Blackie’s Canada: Justin’s Islamophobia Czar. Climate Justin will burn jet fuel to the UN. The residential school censors.

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

Juliette Sellgren talks with AEI president Robert Doar about think tanks and scholarship.
Steven Hayward argues that “the originalist revolution will never be complete until we fully appreciate the natural law roots of the common law.”

And again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 09.20.24 (Evening Edition)

Shot In The Dark: School’s Out, Self-Fulfilling, The Minnesota Prototype, Jackboots Of Joy, and Berg’s 20th Law Goes 33 For 33
STUMP: Cuomo, COVID, & The Nursing Homes Part II

Maggie's Farm - Wednesday morning links

How did Robin DiAngelo get away with it for so long?
The Assassination Wish Fulfillment.

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 9/19/24

Heather Mac Donald: The New York Times finds victim-blaming repellent—except when the victim is the former president.
Trump Made Them Do It

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: Deep State Democrats and the Continuing Attempts to Kill President Trump

• What a Never Trumper believes - Don Surber • It’s Not Just Haitians In Springfield. Mass Immigration Is Destroying The American Nation - Federalist

Anonymous Conservative - News Briefs – 09/20/2024

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily that there are currently five known assassination teams in the United States here to kill Donald Trump, three of which are foreign.

I leave you with Your mid-week memes from Wirecutter, Got the cat memes off the internet....... from Theo Spark, and Thursday Memes … from MaddMedic.

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