06 August 2024

Tuesday Links - 6 August

The Other McCain has another Biden story. ‘Sundown Joe’ and World War III

Everybody got a laugh Friday when, after an airport photo-op with hostages recently returned from Russia, Joe Biden wandered away and climbed the steps of the empty plane. Media “fact-checkers” instantly went into spin mode, claiming that what we saw with our own two eyes — an old man exhibiting dementia symptoms — didn’t really happen.

Wombat-socho - FMJRA 2.0: An Inoffensive Offense

Top linkers for the week ending August 2:

  1.  EBL (13)
  2.  357 Magnum (12)
  3.  A View From The Beach (9)
  4.  The Daley Gator (5)

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 3 August 2024: Mathematical Unicorns Edition

Meanewhile Google is in full retreat over its own "Dear Sydney" ad, showing how you can use AI to write a heartfelt personal letter. (Tom's Guide)

These people literally never talk to anyone outside their own bubbles.

OldAFSarg at Chant du Départ - On Vacation. Again. I'm Such a Layabout ...

So grandson Roberto turns four this month, big party this Sunday. Of course, he expects us to be there, so Friday was a travel day. Great fun ...

Not really.

Again from The Other McCain - Donald Trump Had an Agreement to Debate Joe Biden, Not to Debate ‘Whoever Democrats Pick to Replace Joe Biden’

Hey, remember when it was a “right-wing conspiracy theory” if you thought Democrats were going to pull a Torricelli-Lautenberg switch and run some other presidential candidate instead of Joe Biden?

Wombat-socho again - Rule 5 Sunday: Redheads – Threat or Menace?

I kid, I kid. Some of the best times of my life have been spent in the company of redheads.

Watts Up With That - Polar bear “boom” reported in East & Southwest Greenland comes with the usual problems

Reports over the last week of an unexpected abundance of polar bears onshore in East and Southwest Greenland have locals and tourists concerned. The former Prime Minister of Greenland claims the unusual number of bear sightings and problems with bears near communities (including an attack involving serious injury to a German researcher) are due to abundant sea ice offshore.

Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog - How Are So Many Democrat Leaders The Spawn Of Marxist Professors?

Anointed Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris isn’t just the daughter of a Jamacian, she’s the daughter of a Marxist professor.

The Other McCain again - They’re Calling It the ‘Kamala Crash’

It’s being called the “Kamala crash” because one of the things that may have triggered the sell-off was that investors believe there is an increased likelihood of Kamala Harris becoming the next president.

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