06 August 2024

Switching to Linux? Jury Is Still Out

Mutahar at SomeOrdinaryGamers has a video on switching your daily-driver computer to Linux. This is something that I am looking at, though I am still tripping over a couple of things. We shall see. (I think there are fixes for the problems I was having, I just haven't gotten back to it.

In one video Mutahar claims that Linux users are the vegans of the computer world. They have to tell you that they're using Linux. Well, I'm not, yet. And I may not, or not for a while. Though I have to say that Microsoft is doing everything in its power to piss me off over the "Your PC doesn't support Windows 11" BS, which they keep throwing at me. I do have another year or so before they kill support for Windows 10, but I will need to do something before then. Also, the ads and AI being stuffed into Windows 11 doesn't make me want to upgrade anyway.

Anyway I leave this here mostly so I can find it again later, but also because there are several people talking about similar issues with Microsoft. We shall see.

This is the SomeOrdinaryGamers video How To Switch To Linux For Beginners… It is nearly 40 minutes, and while Mutahar is always entertaining, I don't recommend it for casual viewing. Though if you're unhappy with the ads/AI/general Microsoft insanity, it might be worth looking into.


  1. Now in my seventies, I am in no way a power user, but for the everyday simple things I use my computer for Linux is just fine. I switched when Windows Seven was ending and I haven't looked back.

    1. For everyday things yes. On any given day I use email, the internet, and a spreadsheet, with the occasional document thrown in. All that works under Linux with no issues. The last time I looked - which was about the time that Windows 7 was dying - there were some problems around video. From my research those seem to be "mostly" mitigated.

      I should know soon what the remaining issues are.

  2. I got tired of that stuff too.
    Temporary fix was O&O software Shutup10 and easy cleaner.
    Removed 2 GB of bloatware

  3. If you really need programs that "only" run on Windows, then you may be stuck.

    If you want to game on Linux, the easist way is to get a Valve Steam Deck.

    Otherwise any decent computer made to run Windows in the last 15 years has a 99% chance of running Linux very well.

  4. My main desktop is win8.2. My main lappy is a win7 toughbook. I have a couple of win10 machines for others to use if needed, and a couple other win7s for me. I'm just about to move to a newer toughbook, with win10.

    I've got a linux box (mint) dedicated to an NVR package for my security cams, and a linux media player box that I rarely boot anymore.

    The spying built into win10 kept me from moving to it, and the horrid "tiles" interface. I LIKE to see scroll bars, and they should be big enough to grab with a touch pad.

    Running old versions of the software I need works just fine on older hardware. Especially if you upgrade the drive to SSD.

    I do run modern browsers.

    I hate being pushed, and I hate the waste of money and time involved in the upgrade treadmill. I hate spying. 99.999% of everything I do could happen on linux, but when I need a windows only program it's because I need it to get paid. And I don't want to learn a new program, or a new version, for the three days every 10 years that I use it.

    I'll cling to my win8 desktop as long as I can.



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