06 August 2024

Concealed Carry in Wisconsin

What would you do if confronted by 5 bad guys, at least one of whom was armed?

Wisconsin's gun laws, which allow for concealed carry, and don't impose restrictive magazine limits, gave this guy a fighting chance.

The criminals were violating the gun laws on a couple of fronts. Passing more gun laws would not do anything to stop the criminals; they were already ignoring gun laws.

The Second Amendment isn't about pretending to be a cowboy or a secret agent, it's about having the means to protect yourself when danger strikes.

Cops were nearby. They heard the gunshots. That didn't allow them to protect anyone. They were on scene in short order to deal with the aftermath, but without the means of self-defense, that aftermath could have been very different.

The car the bad guys were using was also stolen. So should we pass more laws against stealing cars? Would that make it extra-illegal to steal cars and then stop the carjacking?

This is the Colion Noir video Armed Citizen Takes On 5 Car Jackers At Wisconsin Gas Station

Here is a news article on the incident. Armed robbery attempt ends with gunfire exchange in Wauwatosa, 1 person in serious condition

A 911 call was received from a person who reported being shot at the gas station, according to police. The victim told officials that five suspects, one of whom was armed, confronted him while he was pumping gas and attempted to steal his car. An exchange of gunfire ensued, as the victim was reportedly also armed, and the suspects fled in their car. As the subsequent police pursuit ended in a crash, multiple people reportedly fled the car.

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