06 August 2024

What If You Called 911 and the Cops Just Couldn't Be Bothered to Respond?

Just call 911 they say. The police will protect you they say. New video of aftermath of murder-suicide Uptown gives insight on NOPD response time

I man pulls a gun on his wife. The daughter runs out of the house at 4:30 AM (there is security video) to get a neighbor to call 911. An hour and a half later, police show up, but they don't even knock on the door.

An hour and a half after the girl leaves, you see an NOPD officer at the home. The family said according to the couple's ring camera footage, the officer never knocked on the door.

So what did that cop do? Stare at the house, realize that his x-ray vision glasses were back at the precinct and leave to go get them? This was a report of a man with a gun, threatening someone. If this isn't the highest level of urgency, what is?

The family wants to get an attorney, but the sad truth is that you can't hold the cops responsible for not protecting you. The Supreme Court has ruled at least twice that the cops have NO DUTY to protect you, not even if you have a court order of protection.

Calling 911 is a fine thing to do, but it is not the magical solution to all of your problems that people make it out to be.

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