09 August 2024

More on Tim Walz as the Democratic Party Candidate for VP

From The Other McCain we get a question. Worst VP Pick Since Tom Eagleton?

Kamala Harris has been the designated Democratic candidate for barely two weeks, and she’s already screwed the pooch with her first major campaign decision, the choice of Tim Walz as her running mate. I’m sitting here with my office TV tuned to CNN, and everything right now is all about Walz’s disputed military service record.

The linked post is from someone whose son is in the Army, and while The Other McCain doesn't claim to be an expert on stolen valor, I'm sure he knows more than most people.

And since I'm not sure people know who Tom Eagleton was, he was the 1972 Democratic Party candidate for Vice President as McGovern's running mate. Briefly. When it came to light that he had recieved eltro-shock thearpy in the 1960s, he was replaced on the ticket by Sargent Shriver. That campaign was a massive defeat for the Democrats.

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