20 August 2024

Armed Self-Defense - South African Edition

It is not just the US where your average citizen has the right of self-defense. Two Suspects Hospitalised After Attempted Home Robbery in Richmond Hill | Central News South Africa

How should a 73-year-old homeowner respond to multiple intruders in his home in the middle of the night?

According to Eastern Cape Police spokesperson Captain Sandra Janse Van Rensburg, the incident unfolded when a 73-year-old homeowner was awoken by a noise coming from inside his house. Armed with his firearm, the elderly man went to investigate the source of the disturbance. As he made his way through his home, he encountered three suspects in the passage.

Richmond Hill, Eastern Cape, is about 400 miles east of Cape Town, and about 400 miles southwest of Durban.

Two of the three suspects were wounded by gunfire. The third guy ran like a rabbit.

Initial investigations have revealed that the suspects gained entry to the house by removing a window in the front bedroom. Fortunately, nothing was stolen, and the homeowner did not sustain any injuries during the incident.

Good Guys 2, Bad Guys 0.

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