20 August 2024

The Washington Post versus Kamala Harris

Surely that is a sign of the Apocalypse. From The Other McCain - BREAKING NEWS: Washington Post Columnist Understands Economics!

The Pulitzer Prize committee hasn’t solicited any suggestions from me, but maybe they should consider Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post for a special award, because I can’t remember the last time anyone at the Post exhibited any real comprehension of how markets work.

In case you missed it — because, really, who cares? — this past week, Kamala Harris rolled out “her” economic policy agenda. The scare-quotes around “her” are necessary because Kamala has never in her life had an original idea, and “her” economic plan is no exception to that rule.

Read the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed. The usual quiescence of cackles now burst with a burgeoning of thoughts, and plans, and ideas. From whence this turning. No one is fooled, although they would desire that it be so. She who has well demonstrated over the decades a serious lacking of any of the qualities whilst also showing her propensity to engage in any thing as long as she is paid, now is supposed as a statesman, whether great or not.

    The pimps have pulled out the stops. They have the pin girl to strip us of our final sensibility, a hindrance really, so we may now salute, laud, beg for her lead as we fall prostrate. So they think.


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