10 July 2024

Just When You Thought Democrats Couldn't Get Any Dumber

I give you Brandon Johnson, mayor of Chicago. Chicago Mayor Blames Richard Nixon as Over 100 People Shot at Weekend

I want to believe this is a joke, but the joke is sitting the mayor's office in Chicago.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson appeared to suggest President Richard Nixon was to blame for the city's pervasive gun violence problem.

More than 100 people were injured in shootings in Chicago, at least 19 of them fatally, over the Fourth of July weekend, when there is often a spike in gun violence.

"Appeared to." When asked about the violence he said that President Johnson had the opportunity to do something, but then Nixon was elected. And then a lot of people were elected including a Democrat from Chicago. But no one ever said that Democrats made sense. Or were in touch with reality.

When this story crossed my social media feed, I went to see what Second City Cop had to say. He never disappoints. This Guy Was a Teacher?

Has Chicago's BJ been talking to "president" JB? Is senility transmissible?

Nixon resigned fifty years ago and has been dead for thirty years. We barely remember his presidency. We'd even bet actual money that 33% of Conehead's voting base has no idea who Nixon was. The country ended up with Nixon because LBJ declined to run again.

Also SCC sent me to HeyJackass!, who already has a T-shirt for sale. (They deserve support over there!)

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