10 July 2024


Faun is a German folk band that I quite like. Their personnel has shifted a bit over the years, and so has their style. Their style is sometimes dark, and sometimes very light. I like a lot of the songs that they produce.

"Blót" is an old Norse word meaning "sacrifice," according to the description in the video. I also think of blóts as being feasts, because after the sacrifice, there would usually be a communal meal. They can also, if memory serves, include a lot of drinking, toasting, and bragging, though I think there is a separate term for a ritual gathering that does not include a meal. (I could be wrong about all of this.)

Anyway, since the song is in Old High German, you might want the link to the lyrics and their English translation.

This song is "Blot" by Faun. It was released to YouTube in early May of 2024. I haven't looked to see if an album is forthcoming or not. I assume one will be produced eventually.


  1. Ah yes Faun, through all of the years and some significant personnel changes, they have maintained a standard of excellence that should be the envy of the musical industry.


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