29 July 2024

It Isn't Self-Defense Just Because You Say It Is

You can't shoot someone over stuff, not in Ohio anyway. Jury doesn't believe self-defense claim, convicts gunman in fatal Cincinnati shooting

Williams and Harris, who were neighbors but didn't know each other, exchanged gunfire and Harris was also hurt.

Harris claimed he thought Williams was breaking into a car.

It turns out he wasn't breaking into a car, but even if he was... You have the right to defend yourself (or another) from a reasonable threat of imminent death or grave bodily injury. Someone stealing a car does not apply. Someone who stole your television yesterday, does not meet that criteria. You can't shoot someone because of what they did yesterday, or what you think they might get up to in the future. You can only shoot someone if in the immediate now, they are a reasonable threat.

And yes, I know that in some states the rules are different. One of the states lets you stop someone trying to burn down your house, but I can't remember which it was, or if they were changing that rule. This incident took place in Ohio.

You may or may not agree with the way things are set up in Ohio. I agree with some stuff, and think other stuff is crazy, but overall, I like Ohio, more than either The People's Republic of Illinois, or Commie-fornia, two other places I have lived. I like the laws in Florida, but not some other stuff so much.

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