29 July 2024

How Is That Criminal Justice Reform Working Out?

Counting the number of victims, I don't believe it is working too well, but maybe chaos was the goal all along. Man beat, stabbed victim to death 3 days after being put on felony pretrial release: prosecutors - CWB Chicago

For nearly five months, an arrest warrant was active for Cleophus Polk because he stopped showing up for court in a pending stolen motor vehicle case. Officials caught up with him a couple of weeks ago and hauled him before Judge Michael Clancy on July 12. Clancy released him again.

Three days later, prosecutors say, Polk beat a man to death with a board on a West Side street.

The courts in Chicago, and in other Blue Cities, refuse to hold criminals in jail until they kill someone.

He is the 21st person accused of shooting, killing, or trying to shoot or kill someone in Chicago this year while on felony pretrial release. The crimes involved 34 victims; seven died.

There are more details at the link. Click thru.

I'm going to miss civilization when it's gone.

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