21 June 2024

The Weaponization of the DOJ Continues Under Biden

From Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit: The Department of Justice Is Targeting The Gateway Pundit in Their Hopes to Ruin Us- Secretly Injected Itself in Chapter 11 Case - Why?

Why? Because they can, because there are no long checks and balances, and they HATE conservatives.

The parent company of this website, The Gateway Pundit, made this decision as a result of the numerous progressive liberal lawfare attacks against this media outlet.

This was not an admission of fault or culpability. This is a common tool for reorganization and consolidating litigation when attacks are coming from all sides.

But that might mean that they could survive Chapter 11, and the Department of (In)Justice can't stand the thought of that.

We knew this was going to be a difficult process for our company, but we had no idea what the Biden DOJ had prepared for us.

Today, we can confirm that the Joe Biden and Merrick Garland Department of Justice have intervened in our Chapter 11 case.

According to our source, the Department of Justice spoke to the trustee assigned to our case and is pressuring this man to make sure our Chapter 11 efforts fail.

I miss living in a free country.

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