21 June 2024

Neither a Borrower Nor a Lender Be

Though I doubt that Shakespeare had this kind of thing in mind. 25 years for Old Town man who murdered friend over money dispute - CWB Chicago

He said his "friend" owed him money. A short time later he shot and killed his friend. (With friends like this, who needs enemies?)

CHICAGO — An Old Town man who murdered his friend during a money dispute, then dragged the dying man’s body through their apartment building has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. Judge Jennifer Coleman ordered Rotonio Esco to serve 100% of his sentence, making him eligible for release in June 2045.

This might come close to actual justice. When I first saw this article I thought that 12 years was not enough for cold blooded, premeditated murder. In Illinois it is common for convicted felons to serve about half of their sentence before being released for "good behavior" or some such thing.

It is also interesting because the judge ordered the defendent to be held without bail, which is unusual in Illinois. During his pursuit he dropped, and police recovered, a pistol, his ID, and his phone. He had blood on his pants, and $1200 of $100 bills, also splashed with blood.

I don't really hold out hope that the recent "reforms" done to the Criminal Justice System in places like Chicago and Illinois in general, will be undone any time soon. Nothing will change until complete chaos ensues. That seems to be what the powers that be want.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to note the Old Town is one of the 77 neighborhoods in Chicago. When I lived in that city, it was a neighborhood that contained a couple of important jazz clubs. The Earl of Old Town always had good music. I think Second City is in Old Town, but I just can't remember


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