21 June 2024

Crazy Is As Crazy Does

Or maybe it was just the drugs. ‘We Need to Do More for Mental Health,’ Says Woman Who Lived With Convict Whose Face Was Covered in Tattoos

Say hello to Lemar Brandon Qualls and, while you’re at it, go ahead and say good-bye, because the late Mr. Qualls got thoroughly ventilated by Indianapolis police last month. The photo above was taken in January 2023 by prison officials in Michigan, about two months before Mr. Qualls was released after serving more than six years on a methamphetamine charge.

If you point a gun at police you are sure to be shot.

The Other McCain has the details on the guy, his criminal past, the breaks he got from the judicial system, etc.

But one of his later paragraphs caught my attention.

Frankly, ma’am, I’m concerned about your mental health. Because where I come from, cohabiting with a convicted felon fresh out of prison . . . Well, some people might call that crazy. And how many times does your, uh, “friend” have to get arrested for domestic violence before you decide maybe he’s a bad person? Don’t even get me started on the face tattoo thing...

Anyway, go read the whole thing. The comments are entertaining as well.

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