21 June 2024

Even in New York Self Defense Works

Whether it is legal is an open question. Unless you're in NYC, and then it probably is not legal. New Details: Homeowner Shoots, Kills Violent Intruder At Capital Region Residence, Police Say

The Saratoga County incident happened at around 11:30 a.m. Friday, June 14, in Malta at the Northway Estates mobile home park on Route 9.

Sheriff’s deputies said someone called 911 reporting a shooting inside one of the units. When deputies arrived, they found a man dead from a gunshot wound. Nobody else was injured.

Malta, NY is about 20 miles north of Albany, or about a 40 minute drive north of the capital.

In an update Monday, June 17, investigators said the deceased man forced his way into a stranger’s home and attacked a resident. He then chased the resident into a bedroom where other occupants had hidden.

One of the residents armed himself with a shotgun and fired two shots, killing the suspect.

Self Defense is a human right, and at least in some parts of the state it might be legal in New York.

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