10 June 2024

The Other McCain on the IDF Rescue of Four Hostages

He has 2 posts on the incident. First we have the following. Israel Rescues Hostages From Terrorists; Guess How Media Are Spinning It?

Heroic fighter dies rescuing hostages, terrorists killed — it’s the stuff of a blockbuster action film, and you would think everybody would be happy. But oh, not our “friends” in the media:

The media is all sad that in war, people die. And that when Hamas, et al, hides their operations in the middle of civilians, some of those civilians will die.

What’s important to the media is that, no matter what the facts may be, only members of Officially Approved Victim Groups are deserving of sympathy. Arabs and Muslims are victims of racism, according to the media calculus and so, even when they murder or kidnap innocent civilians, the real victims are the Palestinians.

Next, The Other McCain asks an important question. Are There Any Innocent Palestinians?

Why am I starting to think like this?

The 3 male hostages rescued were being held in the home of a Palestinian journalist.

Journalist, terrorist — to-may-to, to-mah-to. Six of one, half a dozen of the other. When “news” organizations are employing members of terrorist organizations, when the journalist’s family home is being used to stash hostages, when it seems everybody in Gaza is part of Hamas, why not ...

Go read both of the posts.

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