10 June 2024

Criminals Are Stupid, But This Guy Is Extra Stupid

I read a lot of stories about stupid people doing stupid things, but this guy takes the cake. Armed parents interrupted home burglary, Georgia cops say | Tri-City Herald

Investigators say the man “forcefully” entered the home when the homeowners were away and proceeded to rifle through their belongings.

“While inside he found the homeowners’ jar of change and decided to take said change and purchase copious amounts of adult beverages,” police said.

So how stupid was this guy? He returned to the home he had burglarized to consume those adult beverages. He drank until he passed out.

That’s when “the homeowners’ parents arrived” with a rifle and summoned the police. The suspect was arrested and is charged with burglary, officials said.

Police came up with all the suggestions you can imagine (or click thru). Sadly, he cannot be charged with felony stupidity. He is charged with burglary.

“If you do allegedly commit a burglary, don’t allegedly burglarize a residence that is protected by parents who believe in the 2nd Amendment.”

Lavonia is about a 90-mile drive northeast of Atlanta, near the South Carolina state line.

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