17 June 2024

The Left Hates Everyone Who Disagrees With Them

You can be far Left like J.K. Rowling, but put one toe out of line, like J.K. Rowling, and you are less than human in their eyes. At least that is according to the Cancel Pigs. From The Other McCain we get the following. Typical Wisconsin Democrat Gets Arrested Twice, Charged With Five Felonies

To be fair, The Other McCain's post covers more ground, but I am interested in the following paragraph.

Clayton/“Sofie” posted that meme to his/“her” Instagram account with the hashtag #punchwhitewomen, a perfect summary of the typical Wisconsin Democrat mentality: Whoever you are and whatever your problems may be, you can feel better about yourself by demonstrating how much you hate Donald Trump, because hating Donald Trump is the only “virtue” that matters, if you’re a Wisconsin Democrat.

There is more.

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