17 June 2024

Lies, Damn Lies, and FBI Crime Statistics

And of course the media aids and abets the lies. Second City Cop: Media Lies Again (Still)

What is the lie? Crime is down.

Why is it a lie? Only 13,719 of the roughly 19,000 law enforcement agencies report stats to the FBI. And it isn't the rural counties that don't report.

So they're telling you only 72% of the story, seeing as how 28% of the law enforcement agencies didn't send in their crime numbers. And among those agencies that didn't send in crime numbers?

  • New York
  • Los Angeles
  • Chicago

The three biggest blue city shitholes who have crime numbers that dwarf those of entire states.

But crime is down. Except if you count those 3 cities.

And why is the media in on the lie?

After all, there's an election to win for president sheet-my-pants, and you can't have the electorate believing all those crime stories about blue state shitholes being overrun by illegal alien crime along with the usual suspects.

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