16 June 2024

Self Defense in Nevada

I'm a bit shocked that the determination was so quick. Police: Fatal shooting in Henderson parking lot was likely done in self-defense. The incident took place on Wednesday, June 12th.

Henderson is a suburb of Las Vegas. I have no idea what the DA in that city/county is like.

Investigators in Henderson believe a fatal shooting in a Walmart parking lot on Wednesday was possibly done in self-defense.

A guy approached a vehicle with a gun in his hand. The guy in the vehicle defended himself. After the soon-to-be-dead-guy was shot, he fired several rounds at the vehicle.

Police are not giving away too many details, but if I was to guess, I would guess that these two guys knew one another. It is only a guess. It could have been an attempted carjacking.

What isn't a guess is that self defense is a human right.

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