16 June 2024

Company Had Arbitration Agreement Because They Didn't Want to Go to Court

But they don't like the arbitration outcome, and now they want to go to court. Arbitration award of $5.4 million challenged by employer of Garden Ridge store clerk murdered in 2020 | KENS 5

Can't have it both ways.

“They’re seeking to relitigate in the court system, something they didn’t want to do in the first place. We are seeking to enforce the final award that was issued to the Smotherman family,” said attorney Cody Dishon. “This is the only way to get companies to change their policies and procedures and make sure when you do have those policies and procedures on paper that they’re actually followed and implemented for the safety of other workers.”

The arbitrator found that the company was responsible, because of security problems in the store.

GPM Investments paid the Smotherman's mother a little more than $100,000 in death and burial benefits.

There is also legislation to make companies do better at providing security for workers. Though I think hold their feet to the fire, in the form of making them pay, will be more effective.

1 comment:

  1. The ENTIRE purpose of "arbitration" is to keep the company with the deep pockets from having to pay. The majority of "arbitrators" are wholly owned by big business. This instance is a glaring exception to what usually happens when "arbitration" is involved.


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