03 June 2024

May in Chicago

HeyJackass! brings us the May Wrap-up

It's been a year of Mayor Brandon Johnson overseeing the demise of a once great city. For eveyrone who thought there couldn't be a worse mayor than Lori Lightfoot, the voters of Chicago said, "Hold my beer."

May marked one year of Lightfoot 2.0 and as second iterations of the original tend to outperform the original, so did 2.0 in his first compared to 1.0 in her first year. And with another Spring Training in the books, it’s onward to the Summer of Silly Decisions.

The final count in May was 57 people killed, and 253 people were shot and wounded. There were 4 people stabbed to death, and two people beaten to death in that 57 number.

As bad as those numbers are, they are significantly better than the past 3 or so years, and about average for the past 10.

In a shocking display of racism and sexism, the criminals of Chicago killed 52 males and only 5 females during the month, while 46 Blacks were killed, 11 Hispanics were killed, and there were no deaths of White/Other individuals recorded in the month of May.

Click thru for the rest of the statistics, like #Selfies, and #ShotInTheASS. There are also the predictions for the month of June.

The DNC is only 2 and a half months away and we fully expect it to be the Greatest Shitshow on Earth, so get ready and pick up a T-Shirt and/or a poster with more “Biden-Harris Blue” than you can throw a Molotov cocktail at.

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